Freaking out


Dec 6, 2011
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Hi I'm due around the 23rd of July with my first child.

I am freaking out girls because I had to go to hospital with real sharp pains in my stomach 2 weeks ago and they thought I might have been ectopic. They gave me a scan after 4 pregnancy tests and a few blood tests and found that the sac was in the right place but there was no heartbeat. The doctor scanning me made this out to be a really bad thing but the MW called me and said that as I was only 5 weeks at the time then this is normal.

I have another scan on the 23rd of this month and I am sooooo scared there is nothing there
Hey hun, there's a been a few girls on here that have had the same thing only to go back for a 2nd scan and see their bean with a lovely strong heartbeat. 5 weeks is very early to see much so I wouldn't worry too much. The first scan I'm having is my 12 week one in 2 weeks and I'm so scared there'll be a problem or nothing there, I think those feelings are natural. Lots of luck for the 23rd hun xxx
You wont see a heartbeat until 6 weeks plus hunny. Its normal.

I think we all go through them feelings of doubt. I have my next scan in a week I can't wait x I had a quick scan at 8 weeks to check my pregnancy was in there and to do a quick date as I had section previous x Baby was in there very fuzzy looked like a kidney bean with a flashing heartbeat and that was at 7 week 6 days they said. x I was 8 weeks 2 days by my tickers. So expecting dates to change once I have my 12 week one. x
Good luck for the 23rd.

I had an internal scan at 6+ and they warned me then that they might not see a heartbeat. They did but that's only because the heart starts bearing at around 6 weeks. Easier said than done - but try not to worry! Xx
I was in the same position with my first pregnancy. Went for a scan at 5+1 and there was no heartbeat so I had to go back at 7+1 and there was the heartbeat.

Try not to worry (easy to say!) and I hope the next 2 weeks go quickly for you!
i was exactly the same hun sac no egg but by next scan bean with heartbeat
Hi there

Same with me; what kind of scan did they do and did they test your hormone levels? I had pains and an ultra sound when I thought I was 6 weeks, they saw nothing and the doctor couldn't have mentioned any more negative possibilities if he had tried!

Went in for an internal and they dated me at only 4 weeks, saw sac and dot but nothing else, went back at 6 weeks and saw tiny bean and a small flicker of the heart beat.

Very easy to say but do try not to worry and fingers crossed the next couple of weeks fly by for you. Xx
thanks girls :-) i guess i know everything will be ok but there is still a doubt in the back of my mind. im sure everyone is like that before they see their wee one. ill keep you posted on how the scan goesxx

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