Freaked out by.........nappies!

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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ok, so i'm not sure i've accepted i'm having a baby yet :wall2:

i had my first midwife appt today, all went well, lots of questions about my health etc. but then i was asked.. 'are u having a hospital birth?' - er i think so, not thought about it!!

'who is your birthing partner' er...not thought about it but i suppose jamie (would actually consider my mum!)

those two questions (the baby related questions) totally threw me and felt weird talking about!!

then, she gives me a pack to take home, i open it when i get indoors and there is a newborn kit for hospital with wipes and nappies........not sure why but it has kind of freaked me out!!!!! i can't believe i am actually going to be caring for a little baby!!!!!!!!!!

sorry if this makes no sense to u all, its kind of worrying me! we tried for this for 11 months so you would think i'd be totally accepting of it all!??

I stood in the nappy isle in asda and was totally bewildered by all the types and sizes and by all the stuff baby could need!! Lol! I still don't think I've accepted it ! Oh and I've never changed a nappy in my life! X
Lol why did she talk to you about that sort of stuff now?
I haven't even had that discussion yet. My next midwife appointment is next week, and she better not talk sh*t like that!

You'll get into the nesting stage hun, we all will. I'm terrified of being a mum 24/7 for at least 18/19 years :p
But we'll both be well prepared when it comes to a later stage. It is a frightening thought though, It's been on my mind the past 2 weeks or so. Just thinking to myself, "Wow, I am so young, I'm going to be a mum, I'm not 100% ready, I want my baby but I'm no no1 mum just yet". It takes time, you have to remind yourself that. And you'll do what comes natural to us all when you see your baby for the first time.

You'll get there girlies. I can't wait to get all that stuff but am reigning myself in ;-)
I think I'll be one of these who has the panic attack once it's born and not beforehand like you sensible people lol :hug: xx
I stood in the nappy isle in asda and was totally bewildered by all the types and sizes and by all the stuff baby could need!! Lol! I still don't think I've accepted it ! Oh and I've never changed a nappy in my life! X

I haven't either :p My OH has with his nephews! xxx
thanks girls, i'm really worried though. everytime my family talk about 'nanny or grandad' or baby and shopping etc i really don't like it!!!!!! i kind of get irritated with them...what's wrong with me :(

the nappy topped it off though lol! i'm not ready for nappies!!!!!!!!!! i've never changed one in my life either!

tiff, i'm not sure why she asked them questions now, they were on the front of the maternity book she filled in and gave me!? xx
princess, ur not going to panic after, sounds like u are ready to go!! xxxxx
Pos I would say it's self preservation at this stage because you are worried about thinking too much about the future of the baby cos it's still such early days, once you are further on you'll be much more accepting of it I'm sure xx
I'm terrified of being a mum 24/7 for at least 18/19 years :p
But we'll both be well prepared when it comes to a later stage. It is a frightening thought though, It's been on my mind the past 2 weeks or so. Just thinking to myself, "Wow, I am so young, I'm going to be a mum, I'm not 100% ready, I want my baby but I'm no no1 mum just yet".

I'm exactly like this too! It's so nice to see I'm not the only one having these apprehensions!

The midwife spoke to me about whether I wanted a home birth or hospital as well, I hadn't thought about it either but she told me she was only bringing it up so I would think about it and have a decision ready when the time came.
i got asked all of those questions at my booking in appointment too makes it feel very scary and real all at the same time doesnt it.

My sister used to text me saying "hows you and bump" when i didnt even have a bump and that used to really annoy me...not sure why but it did!! small is the nappy that you get from thw MW though!!!!!
scaredyCat, ur right, i think maybe she was just putting it my head.

princess, i hope ur right, it has crossed my mind that it could be as you say. i just feel really weird about the whole thing at the moment. i'm strange i think xxx
My midwife never asked those questions. I think it's jumping the gun a little bit to talk about that sort of stuff at your booking in appointment. I was just told to look thru the leaflets and then any questions could be asked later. She said to me "there's a bit on childbirth further on, but you don't have to concern yourself about that for a while yet".
pringle, its teeny tiny lol! a newborn nappy i guess...haha i don't know lol!

i have to admit, it was my mum who pulled it out, i gasped at it and shoved it back in the pack which has swiftly been put in a corner in the spare room...........i can't look at it!!!! xx
scaredyCat, ur right, i think maybe she was just putting it my head.

princess, i hope ur right, it has crossed my mind that it could be as you say. i just feel really weird about the whole thing at the moment. i'm strange i think xxx

You aren't strange at all. I find myself getting irritated by things that other people say to do with the baby, yet in my head I can imagine it's first day at shcool, but no one else can talk like that to me about it, :eh:
She said to me "there's a bit on childbirth further on, but you don't have to concern yourself about that for a while yet".

don't get me started on childbirth! my OH tried to switch on 'one born every minute' i've not moved so fast out of the room in years lol! xx
[/QUOTE]I find myself getting irritated by things that other people say to do with the baby, yet in my head I can imagine it's first day at shcool, but no one else can talk like that to me about it, :eh:[/QUOTE]

yeah, that's exactly it, i only get annoyed or weird when other people talk about it. i can think about it in my own head and its all good and of course on here but anyone else is not allowed lol!! xx
Give it time, I predict you you'll come round to the idea within 8 weeks :toonlass: lol
I'm terrified of being a mum 24/7 for at least 18/19 years :p
But we'll both be well prepared when it comes to a later stage. It is a frightening thought though, It's been on my mind the past 2 weeks or so. Just thinking to myself, "Wow, I am so young, I'm going to be a mum, I'm not 100% ready, I want my baby but I'm no no1 mum just yet".

I'm exactly like this too! It's so nice to see I'm not the only one having these apprehensions!

The midwife spoke to me about whether I wanted a home birth or hospital as well, I hadn't thought about it either but she told me she was only bringing it up so I would think about it and have a decision ready when the time came.

It's nice to know others have these feelings, I can imagine it's extremely common though.
I've wanted a baby for a long time, we tried for a long time too and now that it's happened.. It's certainly a lot to take in!

I was walking around the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil earlier, I was looking down at my bump and stroking it when I suddenly thought, "I'm walking around with another human being inside me, this is amazing!" :rotfl:

I'm so happy to be pregnant though, despite the weirdness and coming to terms with it all. I can't help but smile when I look at my bump or the scan photos' :) xxx
[/QUOTE]I was walking around the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil earlier, I was looking down at my bump and stroking it when I suddenly thought, "I'm walking around with another human being inside me, this is amazing!" :rotfl: [/QUOTE]

Snap! But replace "amazing" with "holy sh*t"

Im so scared of everything... being pregnant, giving birth, looking after a baby, watching it grow but I suppose all we can do is our best and hope we dont screw the kid up :)

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