

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
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what do you think of the name Frank for a boy? my OH is keen as its the name of his grandfather who he adored but although i hated it at first i now cant decide if i hate it or could it actually be quite a cool name....any thoughts?
I liked it whenI was having Oscar. It was on my list !!
Not sure of Frank, but it's lovely as Franklin :)
I think Frank is a really cute name. More old fashioned names are becoming more commonly used now aren't they, which I love!

If you didn't want to go with just Frank, then I think Franklin is adorable, more of a modern twist. Then you and OH could call him Frank if you wanted, but is name wouldn't actually be that xx
I like it I have family with that name x

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the name Franklin is growing on me. it think it will suit when he is young and old. does anyone think it sounds a bit girly though? or maybe its just me cause of the amount its going around in my head lol!
the name Franklin is growing on me. it think it will suit when he is young and old. does anyone think it sounds a bit girly though? or maybe its just me cause of the amount its going around in my head lol!

It's growing on me more too -I like it before, now I really like it!! And definitely not girly! :D
I thought Franklin sounded girly too...

I knew a guy called Frankie at school and he seemed very popular for no apparent reason - clearly must have been the name ;)
Maybe Frank for when he's older, but when he's younger you could call him Frankie :) xx
If you called him Franklin you could get the book Franklin in the Dark for him, it's a lovely story I remember very fondly from being little.
Don't normally post in here but I think Frank is lovely, didn't used to like it as a name that much but now I know a baby Frank and it's a great name. Really suits a baby, toddler, child, adult etc X
Lovely name :-) My BIL is Francis but we call him Frank so Francis is a possible too? x

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