Found a relief from my morning sickness, finally!


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2011
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Afternoon ladies,

Firstly I hope you had a brilliant Christmas and happy new year to you.

I've not been in here much recently as my morning sickness has been just horrendous. 6 times a day, to to point where I was getting up in the night to be sick.

Anyway, I thought I'd share my experience with you in case some of you are feeling the same and it works for you.

I switched my pregnancy vitamins to one with a lower iron content, after doing some research on the web that stated the iron can make you feel worse.

Anyway i've not puked once today and I truly believe its from changing the tablets.

Just thought I'd share the info with you lovely ladies too in case you also find some benefit from it too. I know that the docs can give anti sickness tablets but I was pleased to find an alternative solution.

Hope it helps xx
I've just checked mine and they have iron, I might change to see if it helps. Which ones did you get that don't have iron?
Glad your feeling better :)
hi hun
thanks for this; which brand did you change to - my sickness is terrible

clara x
Hi hun, that's great! What brand did you change to? I'm having trouble the other end lol, which I think pregnacare might have something to do with :eh: x x
Mine have iron! And I've been terribly sick.
Interested to know what brand you switched to. X

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Grrr, I keep forgetting to take mine, so wont do much use for me :( I'm glad you feel better though! Luckily mines not as bad as yours sounds!!
I was taking pregnacare plus which have 17mg of iron in but switched to Femibion Healthy Pregnancy which have no iron content. It's not cheap £17 per packet but boots are doing but two get a third free which brings the cost down a bit. But at least I can actually get on and do things now rather than lying on the sofa and running to the loo!

I'm going to eat lots of leafy green veg instead to ensure that I am getting enough iron in my diet.

Really hope I stay like this and that it works for you too. Xx
Right I'm sending hubby to Boots tomorrow........:)
I've just checked the ingredients list online and says they contain iron oxide??
This wouldn't really benefit me, as I need the iron :(
Since bubs has decided I'm now vegetarian again (I can stomach chicken but not meat) I need to take iron for sure. I was anaemic as a teenager when I was vegetarian.
Bubs has allowed me a day off the really bad sickness today :) xx
As opposed to being a pure iron mineral, Iron oxide is a compound of iron and oxygen and is usually a pigment added to give tablets a red/pink colour.

I'm still puke free today :)
I think I might stop the pregnacare and just take folic acid. My diet is normally quite good anyway if I'm not being sick, but I can't seem to go a day without throwing up.

I'll see how I get on with just folic acid. Fingers crossed it works!! X

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I think I might stop the pregnacare and just take folic acid. My diet is normally quite good anyway if I'm not being sick, but I can't seem to go a day without throwing up.

I'll see how I get on with just folic acid. Fingers crossed it works!! X

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I've done the same. Pregnacare was making the sickness worse. Just taking the folic acid it seems less. So will stick to that for now!! x
personally I've never bothered with the vitamins and my diets crap at times and my son was fine x
i only took folic acid and had no sickness x
I'm not going to take the pregnacare ones, I'm just taking folic acid atm, then going to start taking vitamins individually, so if I get any reactions or whatever I can pick up on it easily. Plus I'll get more for my money hopefully!!
Morning ladies, just like to report its day two of the new tablets and for the last 48 hours I've been sickness free. (doing a little dance) :) xx
Hubby went to Boots yesterday and came back with Folic Acid and a combined vitamin A,C & D, along with a motion sickness bracelet (bless him) - so I'm hoping to feel better soon fx!
Hubby went to Boots yesterday and came back with Folic Acid and a combined vitamin A,C & D, along with a motion sickness bracelet (bless him) - so I'm hoping to feel better soon fx!

Are the combined vitamins specifically for pregnancy? You need to be careful not to take too much vitamin A so pregnancy multivitamins don't have as much of it as normal ones x

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