Formula Milk advice (following on from xCarly's post)


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2007
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After reading Carly's post, I began to think whether it would be a good idea to change Adam's milk.

We are giving him SMA Gold at the moment and he never had any problems until around a week ago when he began suffering from wind and has been a little sick which is not like him.

Do you think it would be worth a try changing his milk and is there a right way to do it?
i found that they gave mia a hell of a lot of wind...and always being sick...

i now use the avent ones and would swear by them...theyre great..never sick and always gets her wind up...

might be best trying that before you change the milk...i use sma gold and have no problems 8)
I would recommend changing bottles first too. Avent are really good and I've heard Dr Browns are good too :wink:
i use tommee tippie and had no probs, but i would advise you to try diff bottles 1st to save upsetting adams tummy
Think I will give the Avent ones a try. Thanks xx
Can I Add... Dont Use Newborn Avent Bottles. I Was Warned Straight Away To Go For 1+ Month Ones As Newborn Ones Are Way To Hard For Them To Suck. It Makes Them Too Tired To Feed Enough. I Changed From Newborn To 1+ Month & Lovella Fed an oz More Milk Instantly With a Hell Of a Lot Less Sick, If Any At All :)

I Was Warned By The Pediatrician & 4 Midwives Then When My Own Midwife Told Me To Throw The Newborn Bottles Away I Did xxx
I ve had no problems with tommy tippee - but she was breastfed for a few days and did not take to advent at all! so with tommee tippee and co and gate ive found the perfect combo.

But all babies have their own preferences :) its just finding whats right for them, though a bit of possetting doesnt mean they have reflux or have a problem with their milk or bottles, ao dont panic, and if they are being sick for more then 4 days then maybe change the milk.

If your babys windy try bringing them a few times to wind during their feed and wind them, we had the same problem but Imogen idnt get colic or anything.

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