For those that have had both a boy and a girl...


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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did you notice anything different about your pregnancies? Did you eat more with one? Carry differently? Feel different?

I'm just wondering if there is any truth at all to the old wives tales!!!

i have to say yep, for me there is -

with first i had lil boy i had easy pregnancy no sick ness didnt get tired, had lovely hair nails an skin and was glowing, i craved savoury foods like cheese ect and i went hugeeeeeeeeeee

this time im avin a girl, and i crave sweets an fruit, my hair nail skin are dull, im tired and ive got a tiny bump compared to my last one ho and ive felt sick alot and also my boobies leak in this pregnancy but didnt with my first x x

but every one is different x
With my son i had nausa for a few weeks. Had nice hair and skin. Craved cheese and meat.

With my girl constant sickness untill 26 weeks. Awfull acne and greasy hair. Craved sugary things

Both bumps were the same out front and small.
I think im having a boy this time aswell.
this is really interesting to me as i have not found out the sex yet but this pregnancy is the total opposite to when i was pregnant with my dd
with her i had really bad morning sickness, was tiny didnt show until i was 7 months and craved sweet stuff i had good skin

This one
Im huggeee im craving cheese and savory stuff (not interested in chocolate) i have not been sick and i have bad skin and really tired (but that could be due to the fact that im 9 years older)

Will be interesting to see wht im having on the 23rd
me too, songbird. I hve no idea. I think I'm having a boy though!

This is really interesting, thanks everyone!
Hey this is my first but wanted to say that some of the old wives tales about boys which I have read have certainly come true for me- Ive craved salt, Ive craved savoury,barely any morning sickness , my hairs got better and my belly looks huge!lol xx
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