FOR SALE - ONE HUSBAND (update - serious now)

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

hun wanted to give you some hugs

in your OH defence men can't deal with these things very well, they seem to dettach themselves to make it easier. its good that you had a talk you need to know how each other are feeling :hug:
ha ha
first post....

I have had that conversation with my girlfriend!
Aww hun, haven't been on for ages and I can't believe whats happened while I've been away, so, so sorry for your loss :hug:

Re your husband you have to make allowances for men, they are basically......STUPID....beyond belief (I think they say the same thing about us as well though :shakehead: ). When I was reading the earlier posts I was thinking that he was acting like this because he didn't know how to deal with his own grief without upsetting you. Its the same sort of thing when men get jealous over the bond between a partner and newborn, they haven't had that early connection with the baby and can't understand some of the feelings we have. I think the comment about his sister although it was cringe-worthy, I think he was desperately trying to say something positive when in reality there is very little than can be said.

You are doing really well and you should be very proud of yourself. Sadly, it wasn't meant to be, but your time will come and you will be able to show the world what fantastic parents you are. I hope you and OH manage to grieve together and spend some time patching up your battered hearts.

What doesn't break you makes you stronger....don't let it break you :hug:

I hope none of this comes across as preaching or patronising, I have never suffered a loss like yours so can never truely appreciate what you are going through xxxxxx
Thanks honey - we're doing much better now we've got all that off our chests. :hug:
Donna's here said:
My sisters fella is the same. He works over everything, even today I've been up the hospital with her coz shes bleeding, shes 11 weeks, but luckily at the moment everything is ok. I think it's his way of dealing with it more though, plus he's frightened of his boss and losing his job, but he is a bit of a lettuce! Even after her cesarian with Jake, he wouldn't take extra time off work, just the 7 days even though she could hardly move. She ended back in hospital with infections and split wound. He's a bloody nightmare. So it's not just your hubby hun. Some men just deal with things the wrong way!

sorry but for no apparent reason this made me well up and almost cry!
whats going on?

is this MC getting to me?
or is it parental instictc?
us guys dont do the hormonal thing....... do we?
It's all bound to affect you hun - everyone has their own way of dealing with it :hug:
Im not sure about our news yet TBH

It has notreally sunk in...

but if I think about it....

the bottom of my tummy feels sick and a lump in my throat!
Is this sounding right for a man?

I try and stay busy.....
I mean today we counted out coins from a large money box....
well over £100 in mainly coppers!

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