my husband is too tired to bd!


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2011
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My husband and I have been married for 8 months, we've discussed getting pregnant and every month he's asking if its worked, I'm getting so frustrated!! I never tell him when I ovulating because I don't want him to get stressed, I always ovulate on a Thursday but he's do tired he only feels ready to bd Saturday or sunday, I just don't know what to do
awww cheer up...i feel your pain.. you two need to have a talk about this. if he wants you to get pregnant, hes going to have bd on Thursdays, if thats when you ovulate. Are you sure he wants you to get pregnant? i find it kind of odd hes tired every Thursday.
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Like dwizzlex said if hes magically expecting u to get up duff then he will need to know that on x day he needs to get :bd: ing or alternatively sexy undies n just pounce!

Babydust to all
Hi I know just how you feel! I do tell my oh when we are at the window but only because he asks every month, he then knows what and when we need to dtd but I will often get him saying that he is tried or not feeling great he sometimes even says we will tomorrow - this causes ne great stress as I know when the window slams shut!

He just does not understand!

Good luck xx
I can understand that, we are trying for a baby as well and to be honest, during weekdays, after having been at work, studying as well as looking after 2 kids I am super tired and having to bd because I ovulate on that specific day is the last thing on my mind... Weekends are easier because I have lay ins and less stress. Sometimes when my partner reminds me that we need to bd (he has my ov chart in his phone - how thoughtful ;)) I feel like he is bullying me as I am just too tired lol.

But, as everyone said, you 2 need to talk things through and even when you are tired just do a quick "over and done with" if necessary, it is not always sexy or great sex but you'll get to go to sleep quick and in with a chance to get pregnant :P

Good luck! x
See it's the opposite for us. I'm quite ill at the moment so as much as i REALLY want to BD its hard to bring myself to do it and actually enjoy it. I just try and make it special with a meal and some music etc.

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