food :(


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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over the last week ive had a bit of a problem

every time i go to eat something i just cant

like yesterday i ate nothing and wasnt hungry :(

and today i ate a few maltesers and thats it im just not hungry is this normal?
yeah i go through phases like that. i think the weather may have a big influence on it too.
so long as you're drinking plenty.
Yep im the same.
I asked my midwife about it, and she said try and snack little bits if you can, but as long as your drinking plenty you will be fine :D
I hardly ate anything throughout my whole pregnancy.

Just make sure you drink plenty.

Bump gets all it needs from you so if you're not hungry then neither is bump!!
I know what you mean, ive stopped making dinner because no1 eats it. Zacks not well and all im eating is sweets. Cant eat a meal, dont know what it is. when I get the food in my mouth it makes me feel ill :?

why couldnt I have had that before pregnancy I would have been slimer lol
I was just the same and constantly fretting that I wasn't putting on enough weight. But I just couldn't eat much at all without feeling gross. I did sometimes get quite ravenously hungry, but a couple of bites later I was full! Good luck.
I have put on 6 pounds already and im only 14 wks tomo, is that excessive??
Dont forget you've got extra blood in you now, plus water and a little one growing inside you. So you going to put on weight even if you dont eat much.
I thought pregnancy was supposed to increase your appetite but mine is the same as usual, I feel as big as a house though :lol:
hevwithbump said:
over the last week ive had a bit of a problem

every time i go to eat something i just cant

like yesterday i ate nothing and wasnt hungry :(

and today i ate a few maltesers and thats it im just not hungry is this normal?

That's exactly how i am hun and i think it's part to do with why i feel so tired :sleep: ,I still haven't gained any weight either :shock: xx
nikki1306 said:
hevwithbump said:
over the last week ive had a bit of a problem

every time i go to eat something i just cant

like yesterday i ate nothing and wasnt hungry :(

and today i ate a few maltesers and thats it im just not hungry is this normal?

That's exactly how i am hun and i think it's part to do with why i feel so tired :sleep: ,I still haven't gained any weight either :shock: xx

yey were in the same boat!
I have days like that too hun, i've found i can usually mange a few slices of apple though so i much that every so often .
i have put on 3 stone, but i reckon most of that is water coz i have alot of it at the moment:) plus ppl keep saying i loook bout 8months gone:) :shock:
I know what you mean about the water Littlelady, my hands and feet are really swollen in this heat and I'm hoping some of my puffy thighs is water :lol:
I'm starving all the time, i wake up in the night hungry! But when i try to eat i feel sick ... so i'm living on rice crispies at the moment lol.

Anyone else sick at the sight of meat? Urgh hamburgers make me feel so ill just seeing them!

I seem to have developed a big bump rather quickly, people think i'm further gone than i am, its embaressing saying 'nope, only 14 weeks' when i look huge!

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