food before bottle


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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MY hv said when Ellis turns 6months (next week :dance: ) I should give food then bottle. but at the min he has bottle then food.

I am worried he will not take his bottle after his food. what do your little ones do?

Louie isn't yet on solids, but with my other 2 i used to give some milk first (as they were too hungry to be given food 1st) then half way through i used to give food, then give the rest of the milk.
they loved it like this, but others may disagree.

dont always go with what the HV says though Ellis & you are the best people who will know. :hug:
foxymum said:
dont always go with what the HV says though Ellis & you are the best people who will know. :hug:

yer i agree with this i hate my HV!!! hehe

Thanks for your advise i am worried if i give him bottle first always he will fill up on that or if i give food first he will not drink his bottle!!! OH ITS SOOOO CONFUSING!! :lol:

How many solid meals are you doing? I am timing my solid meals in between Ellie's normal breast feeds. The idea being that she is hungry enough to have something but not so hungry that she doesn't have the patients for the solid feed.
I would just leave a bigger gap between. Brody has a bottle before his afternoon nap, about an hour after lunch and he drinks all of it. Theres no rule that says you have to give it all in one go. As long as he's still getting all the milk he needs it doesn't matter what time he has it :)
i agree with urchin.
ewan would be too hungry sometimes to accept soilds si i would give him a bottle first then offer some solids and if he wasnt interested i would try it maybe 30mins to an hour later.
Just go with the flow, I never got on with my hv, so i only went to get ewan weighed about 6 times in his first yr,

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