folic acid


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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can you overdose on folic acid???

just wondered cos i forgot to take mine yesterday (I think - bit of an accident prone, clumsy, scatterbrain at the mo) so thought perhaps I could just take it twice today to keep levels up

what do you think?
There is no problem taking two as people who have a higher risk of a baby with neural tube probs are told to take much higher doses every day. It isn't stored in fat and I would imagine any excess is either metabolised or urinated out.
im terrible at taken mine i guess after 14 months u think y u bother lol
do you guys take just folic acid on it's own or the type with loads of other vits in also. like 'pregnacare'? i got asda's own multivits with folic acid esspecially for pregnant & TTC women but they have bunged me up (tmi sorry), just wondering if folic acid on it's own would be fine.
I was just taking folic acid on its own, but have recently switched to pregnacare which has improved my skin no end....I know people say that they have trouble with pregnacare though and prefer sanatogen pronatal.

folic acid on its own should be fine as long as you eat a fairly balanced diet.
i took pro natel with millie and pregnacare with this one, no probs with either
I am on tescos own at the moment as they were on special offer this week, I was on sanantogen before.
i may try a different brand. i feel a lot better with the multivits than without but just can't be doing with being bunged up LOL. maybe eat more fruit also.
I just take folic acid too, will take other supps when/if I catch again. I took pregnacare whilst pg...found them really hard to swallow because I am a fop and hate big tablets! :roll: But was good for skin and hair.
boots have had multi vits on 2 for 3 for a long time worth looking there.

It won't do you any harm taking an extra folic acid but if you miss a dose take it as that.

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