folic acid vs pregaday ??


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2012
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Hi ladies ,
Just wondering what peoples thoughts are on a straight folic acid tablet or taking pregaday( I think its called pregaday something like that lol )
I've seen in mags that pregaday has other vitamins in .
Which is the best , or doesn't it really matter .
I'm just taking folic acid tabs , but was thinking of getting some pregaday if they are better .......
Hi I take mother to be vitamins and they have more than just folic acid and I also take omega 3!

I'm not sure on what's best but I've started on one and agreed with me so stuck with it!

If you have a healthy diet you shouldn't need to take vitamins in general?

I just take Folic Acid...:eh:

Very true I have a terrible weakness for cake and not sure carrot and lemon count as fruit and veg intake!

I am not 100% healthy at the moment (I am currently baking a big cake!!)

So I will probably look at some multi vitmains next cycle...

Until I get my results next week I am not meant to change anything I currently take :eh:

What cake are you making - I haven't made a cake in ages we discovered my oh has a wheat and gluten intolerance and probably bit unfair to one make a cake he cant eat and secondly polish it off in front of him!

I can't believe your results have come around it seemed like they were ages away!

Good luck xx
What cake are you making - I haven't made a cake in ages we discovered my oh has a wheat and gluten intolerance and probably bit unfair to one make a cake he cant eat and secondly polish it off in front of him!

I can't believe your results have come around it seemed like they were ages away!

Good luck xx

Just plain old sponge cake.... It is meant to be a giant cupcake but I only had enough ingredients to make half LOL!

Yep - results on Friday.... Am pretty nervous!

Your poor OH!!! I plan to have a slither of this cake and my human dustbin (OH) can have the rest :)

Lol I love it half a giant cup cake! Plain old sponge is so good though!

Me and slither never words you hear from me!

Good luck for Friday

I'm making vegan chocolate beetroot cake!
You can make some awesome gluten/wheat free cakes, and they taste so amazing!!
I'll try and dig out the recipe, but google have some options!
On the vitamin side, I take folic acid, omega 3, calcium, zinc and a multivitamin with iron, but i have several food intolerances and allergies which mean I don't get enough of certain vitamins. The only reason I take them seperately is because its easier for me to ensure that I don't come into contact with anything i'm allergic to. xx
Hi fairycake, chocolate beetroot cake sound good - South Wales that's not all that far from Hampshire!

Hope you don't mind me asking what makes it vegan?

If you do have any recipes that would be great always good to try one you know works - I have had a few disasters!

flourless chocolate cake
120g dark chocolate
120g butter
150g caster sugar
80g cocoa powder
3 eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Preheat the oven to 150 degrees C (gas mark 2).
Grease an 20cm round cake tin, and dust with cocoa powder.
In a heatproof bowl over lightly simmering water,
melt chocolate and butter.
Remove from heat, and stir in sugar,
cocoa powder, eggs and vanilla.
Pour into prepared cake tin.
Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes.
Let cool in pan for 10 minutes,
then turn out onto a wire rack and cool completely.
Slices can also be reheated for 20 to 30 seconds in the microwave
before serving.
I often make choolate ganache and pour over the top for extra yumminess

My choc beetroot cake is vegan in that it has no dairy or eggs in the recipe. I'm not a vegan, I am lactose intolerant, but I used to be vegan so like a lot of vegan food! plus its considerably healthier than normal chocolate cake yet twice as filling!

I love cake. x
Thank you fairycake I know what I will be doing tomorrow!

No egg or dairy gosh!

I am with you I love cake too!

thanks ladies , i will stick to taking the folic acid , i dont like to take like multi vitamins or pills with lots of things mixed in as i have a phobia of having allergic reations as i had a very severe reaction when i was younger and i am very wary about different medications , i know im fine with plain folic acid tabs as i have had them before lol , i just wondered if the others would have increased my chances of getting a bfp xx

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