folic acid

happy girl

Jan 31, 2007
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hello everybody
a new member.. i'de like to know if anyone got a safe babyborn without taking folic acid tablets..??

Can i ask why your asking? Are your concerned about taking folic acid?

Not taking folic acid doesnt mean you will have a baby with a defect but ir does means if you have no history of spina bifida you have a 1 in 1000 chance of having a baby with the condition.

By taking folic acid you reduce that risk by 70%.

As reccommended I started taking folic acid 3 months prior to TTC, I'm still taking it now...and added Omega 3 oils to the list too, it's supposed to help co-ordination and brain development.

Why don't you won't to take it?
thank you for comforting me..
i'm asking coz i've been 6 weeks pregnant ..and i just tested yesterday and took the tablet at night .. that's why i'm a bit worried
can anyone also tell me which week i am ..
my last period was 15-12-2007?

You start counting from the first day of your lat peiod. So six weeks sounds about right.

PS I woulnt worry at all about the folic acid. Just keep taking it from now.
I started taking folic acid from the day I found out I was pregnant. The one I have contains ginger so it's very good for keeping morning sickness away.
I started taking folic acid when we started ttc and have now changed to sanatagen pro-natel with everything in it along with the omega 3 tablets.

Can't hurt can it?!
Hun, taking Folic acid is a good idea but .. (and don't everyone jump on me for this) if you eat toast for breakfast and a sandwich, and eat veggies then you are getting plenty of folic acid anyway !! So unless you don't eat bread or green vegetables you will have been getting the right amount each day without the supplement.

Doctors and scientists tend to make a great deal out of things and make everyone paranoid, (I should know I'm married to one of the latter and you would be amazed how easy it is to make any set of results for any survey to work whicever way you want them too !!).

sorry I'm ranting again !!

Don't worry, just start taking them now and all will be fine !!
I was also worrying, as though I had my folic acid for 2 weeks after I found out ( weeks 6-8 ), I have regularly forgotten to take it and was/am quite concerned. I'm 12 weeks now so any damage is already there I suppose, but I've been eating things that have lots of folic acid in (some things even have it added, like some ready brek type stuff, and marmite too). So I'm hoping all is ok.
Sounds like you have done everything you can. Enjoy your pregnancy i am sure it will be ok. There is only a very small chance of it anyway even if you hadnt taken anything so no need to worry.

PS I was just cooking my tea and really felt i should pop back on to post this. If you havent been taking folic acid please dont worry. The chances are so so slim. Even women who has taken it still have a chance of getting it but slightly smaller. Its really not worth worrying about. If you pop over to second tri just look how many girls who go for a 20 week scan come back with bad news. Its practically unheard of. So please dont worry.

ps if your reading this but ttc i would recommend you take it...sorry to scare anyone just if i can stop anyone having to go through my experience i dont mind being the pain in the bum

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