Pregnacare or Folic Acid?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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Which is best? Pregnacare tablets which u take thruout ttc pregnancy and BF (u can start/stop at any time) or just Folic Acid up to 12-13 weeks?
Pregnacare has Folic Acid in it too.
:think: Im debating....
I take folic as I can't bear the thought of swallowing that big horse tablet pregnacare, it's huge!!
I started on Pregnacare because I don't have a particularly balanced diet. Providing you eat healthily Folic Acid alone is fine.

I haven't decided if I'm going to keep taking it after 12/13 weeks.
Dunno if it was a coincedence or not but every time i took my folic acid tablets, i felt sick soon afterwards!!
Vicki83 said:
Dunno if it was a coincedence or not but every time i took my folic acid tablets, i felt sick soon afterwards!!
Yeah i had that with Jaycee.. just slight nausea, nothing major.. strange.. :think:
I think im gonna go with pregnacare.. im not sure if ill take it past 12-13 weeks coz i dont want bby to be dependant on it if u know what i mean.. i wanna be able to eat the right things for it! :D
I have been taking Pregnacare since before pg, but it makes me burp and fart loads - very embarrassing.

I eat a healthy balanced diet anyway so may stop in a couple of weeks and see if that helps my digestive system calm down.

Pregnacare is a bit of a pain as you must take with loads of food, and I'm not very good at remembering (brain's turned to mush since i got pregnant!)
Yeah it is annoying taking it with food! Especially when theres a day when you just dont want to eat coz u feel sicky! :(

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