

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Evening ladies...

with a first baby.....when is the earliest anyone has ever felt the first flutters?

This could be my imagination but last night when i was lying in bed, i swear i could feel strange kind of fluttering sensations....didnt last long and was very faint...wouldnt have noticed had i not been lying down really quiet....

could this realistically be boo boo or wind? lol xxx
Could be! I started feeling them around 14 weeks, and they say the best time to feel them is when you are quiet and laying in bed. It tends to be when the baby gets more active too. Since last week I have started to feel more little nudges too. I think if you pay attention to your body, you can feel things early :)
blimey....lets just say i have never felt anything like it before x
It's hard to explain isn't it? But awesome all the same :love: won't be long til your tum feels like a washing machine and you are getting kicked and punched ;) xx
I felt my baby move at aout 11 weeks but just very faint movements. If I was lying still and quiet I could feel em. Now buba is wriggling and kicking most of the day!! Its soo lovely isnt it?
i thought you would all tell me i was crackers....but it must have been boo boo...awwwwwwww..xx
I started feeling them around 14 weeks too. Sounds like baby to me. :-) xx
Awww - so special - Enjoy! I can't wait 'til I feel something - still seems hard to belive there really is a little person moving around in there!
I started feeling mine around 14 weeks too so possible, couldnt believe it first but they got stronger and i had first kicksat 18 weeks.
is it like lil bubbles running up the inside of your tum in one area, bit low down, like when u blow a straw in a drink?
I felt mine at 14 weeks - yay it's most likely your boo boo :yay: :love:
i'm 14wks 4days and have been feeling little flutters..it does feel like little bubbles popping, i only notice it when i'm in bed laying quietly. Sooo cute. xxx
i had the bubbly feeling this morning while i was in bed lol
yeah.....its like bubbles just ever so faint, very low down in tummy........like someone is tapping you from the inside....hard to explain but i just knew i had not felt that before....

only feel it lying in bed xx
I have been feelin flutters since last week. I describe it as popping candy! Lol! Always when I'm in bed and thinkin bout Pip :D

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