What did it feel like when you felt baby move?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
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I am 18 w 1 d today and really cant wait to feel Bam Bam move, those first flutters or bubbles sensations. Can you tell me what your first sensations felt like and around when did you feel them.

I am not getting flutters or bubbles popping, or even feelings like wind, but I can feel something that can only be described as being poked softly. You know, poke your arm with your finger but do it very softly. This may only be normal uterus expanding feelings that is why I am sure its not Bam Bam yet.

The MW said at my last appt, when i was 16 week, that i would feel baby move any day now and from 20 week onwards they will be very noticable and get bigger and better from then onwards.
hey Dawny,
i had my first bubble like movements at 15 weeks (i had to vote 16 weeks as you dont have 15 on your poll :wink: ). it just felt like little bubble of gas rolling around in your tum (where the baby should be). Dont worry if you havent felt anything yet, first time-mums usually dont feel anything until 18-20 weeks i think, so just give it a little move time. your baby may be in a position, or your uterus may just be thick and you can't feel them yet as they will prob just be slight. Don't worry hun you'll feel them soon enough, if you don't you'll get to see your baby moving at the 20 week scan soon enough :cheer: .
Sorry, should of put 15 - weeks for all those who feel baby early on.

I am just so impatient about feeling Bam Bam lol :) Want it to happen NOW! :lol:
I felt nervous all day and didn't know why??!! You know that 'tight', buttterfly feeling in your tummy? That's what it was. (18 wks)

After a few days, it felt like going over a hump-backed bridge in a car!

Have to say, as exciting as it was, I didn't like the first sensations, it felt so strange! Once it became established though, I loved it! :D

Hope it happens for you soon xxxx
i have just started to feel little movements but only when i am lying down and only at night or first thing in morning, it was like someone was gently poking me from the inside, it was really strange but very reasuring i cant wait till i feel it much more often as at the moment it is only every so often.
Rebecca that is exactly the feeling i get every now and then. Like a very soft poke from the inside! Cool, i could be feeling Bam Bam those times!
I felt bubbly movements towards the end of wk14 through wks15and16, then in 17 felt bumps while lying in the bath. wks 18 and 19 I felt it while sitting still on the recliner, or lying down in bath and bed. wk 20 it was actual kicks I felt.

In wk 21 I could feel it getting a lot busier with movement, and it actually kicked my bladder whilst I was trying to watch Coronation Street, so I had to rush to the toilet after. At band this wk babbly must of recognised Mummy's playing becasue it was dancing around the whole time.
19 wks 4days... i was deffo certain..

but then i realised i was feeling it before but wasnt sure
I just started feeling the movements a few days ago - started like a 'popping' sensation but I had to be completely still to feel it.

Now every so often I'll be sitting at my desk or in bed etc & feel a little poke. Very exciting, can't wait til OH can feel it too!
yeah my dh keeps saying when it happens again call him as he wants to see if he can feel anything.
I felt mine at 17 weeks its likea fluttering to me and sometimes it will be so intense it makes me jump up lol
I felt him shifting about- sort of butterfly feeling at about 16-17weeks, but now it's real kicks and thumps enough to make me me jump !
Although i adore feeling him and worry if i don't feel him for too long-- it sometimes makes me feel sort of queasy and strange when he gets going which i don't think my oh understands... maybe i'm weird :lol:
on my first i was about 17/18 weeks but on my second i was only about 14 and a half when i felt like bubbles popping in same place :D havent felt anything yet this time xxx
i was getting worried but i didn't feel anything til i was 19 +1 then i wasn't convinced it was that. but it was and its a wierd but great feeling, makes it seem all the more real!!

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