Flutters at 15 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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So me and Dh were having a cuddle in bed this morning. When I was lay quietly on my side I got some light fluttering sensations mid to lower abdomen. Thought it must be the way I was lying. Turned over and lay on my other side and got the same, if anything more distinct. Honestly was taken by surprise because I've never felt anything like it before. I get nothing lying on my back, sitting or moving about.

Is it possible it's LO moving? Seems rather early as it's my first and to be frank I'm carrying extra timber. I resigned myself to the fact I wouldn't feel anything until later on.
Sounds like it! I only feel him when I'm in bed relaxed generally If im on my back
I started feeling flutters at 14 weeks so I say very possible hun!
I've started feeling flutters too! And I'm convinced it's LO because it's like nothing I've felt before. I feel it mainly when I'm lying down and sometimes when OH strokes my belly too. It feels a bit like butterflies but different ifykwim..? Makes me smile everytime lol xx
I got flutters at 15 weeks too :) and slight kicks at 18 weeks. Getting quite hard kicks at 20 weeks now! It's all very exciting :D xxx
Yay it sounds like it. My first flutters were round 15 weeks too :) x
yep flutters here also :) very cool

It was ages before i felt Jasper but this one i have been feeling for a week or so :)
I felt mine around 14 weeks :p
Definitely could be baba moving about and kicking up a fuss! :D I still get flutters sometimes but normally they're very hard kicks now xxx
you know i felt this a few days ago but thought i was just being silly. Im off this week so will be relaxing so i hope i start to feel it more

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