Flowers For Sara **EDIT 1st Post **


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Hey all myself and anna were thinking of sending some flowers to sara as she is having a bad time of it atm with being in hospital and not being so good and with the possibility of baby ellie being delivered early. We were thinking if any of you would like to contribute towards getting her some as we both thought it would be a nice idea to help cheer her up a little. :) xxxx

** EDIT **

For those of you who wish to donate can you please add yourself to this thread and then PM me and il give you a paypal address where you can make a contibution too. :hug:
Hiya Flossy

I had thought about this but if there is a chance that she is going to need to be transferred somewhere until ellie is born, she might be at a hospital miles from home for some weeks and not actually get to see the flowers, Unless we sent them to the hospital?

But, that aside i will be more than willing to contribute.
Anna sent her a message asking this and its likely that she will be transered to another hospital so we thought we could start a collection for some and then when we know where she's being transfered to maybe sending them to the hospital. :)
Thats sounds like the best way. Ok, im in, just let me know when and who is collecting and i will sort out a contribution.

I cant imagine what Sara must be going thru :hug:
Probably be a good idea for one person to do the collection and give everyone a paypal address to make a contribution to? :hug:
Ok no probs i can sort out doing the collection . :)
not sure if its just my hospital but they dont allow flowers to be taken/sent in :think:
i have details of where sara is atm and they are aloud flowers however when she gets transfered she will give me the details for that hospital :D and if she can't have flowers in the ward then i'm sure we could think of something else like prem baby clothes or a teddy or chcolates ect... thorntons do a lovely basket hamper thing of chcolates :D
I was in hozzy too on Thurs and Fri I had a show and was given steroids but luckilly ive been alloud out and told to take it easy as she could come anytime and trust me its absolutely horrible and terrifying!!

So definitely count me in, please send me the paypal link, I think this is a lovely idea and will definitely help put a smile on her face xxx
count me in.... not alot spare at the min but would like her to know me and bump are thinking about her so will donate what I can :) just let me know paypal addy xx
Count me in as well please :) I can not even begin to understand/feel what she is going through but would like her to know that I am thinking of her and baby Ellie :hug: :hug:

Just let me know paypal addy and I will donate :)
I will contribute. Just lemme know the details anna or candy!

It wont take away what she is going thru at the mo but it will let her know how much we are thinking of herxxxx
I think this is a lovely idea.
Same as Mrsbrightside tho, I dont have a lot to spare so wont be a great deal but would like to contribute, could I have the paypal addy please?
Id be more than happy to donate, poor Sara shes having a scary time of it right now, bless her.

Paypal addy for me please xxxx
we might need to leave it a few days before we send them cas sara had evie last night and evie is being transfered to anotehr hospital so if we wait till sara is with evie then send them to that hospital or to her home addy her hubby might be able to give them to sara as i imagine she will want to be by evie's side :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Just wnated to say thank you for your kind donations im sure sara will really appreciate this. :hug: :hug:
Candy - just done my payment to your paypal....let me know that you get it ok

Thanks hun

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