Flippin' 9 Week Old

I didn't know two month old could have water... and how much of it?!

Feeling really down about this reflux diagnosis now. I had hoped it was just a case of giving gaviscon and happy days... how ignorant of me!

You can give your baby cooled boiled water. I just put at a couple of ounces in a steralised bottle and keep it in the fridge for LO during the day. I offer him it before every feed. He doesn't have much, literally takes a few sips, realises it's not milk, pulls a funny face and then stops! But what he does have helps.

Honestly, don't feel down about this reflux diagnosis. Babbyboo is right in saying the hardest part is done now. For a lot of mums it's a mission just getting the doctor to diagnose it. Gaviscon can work for a lot of reflux babies. If it doesn't, go back to the GP and ask for the next medication to try.

Don't let one person with a rare extreme experience frighten you. Most babies do get better with medications and most babies do out grow it in their first year. It will get easier on you and your family. I know how hard it can be and in those first few months with my eldest I thought it would never end. But honestly by four months, with the right medication for him he was a different baby and I actually enjoyed being a mum! It will get better and easier.
Thanks ladies :-) I haven't tried the gaviscon just yet as need to buy the big teats. Feeling nervous about trying it for some reason...
littlemonkey - we do exactly the same...get about2oz in over the course of the day...it helps keep her regular in that department lol...

bless a rooster sounds like you're getting there tho...we've given cooled boiled water since 3wks old...we boil it, pour it put it in fridge for 30mins then keep out for the day as she doesnt like cold anything!
Hi rooster how's your lo getting on with the gaviscon? Xx
Hi there don't be disheartened by the reflux diagnosis at least you know what is going on. Try and keep baby semi recumbent particularly after a feed. I put a small cushion under the moses basket matress that raised it slightly or put her in the buggy with head slightly raised. We were given gaviscon at first and she point blank refused to take it. I wasn't keen on medicating her so a paediatric dietician recommended enfamil AR (added rice). It works but using the excess sstomach acid to thicken once it hits the stomach. It relies on NO antacid medication. I had a different baby once on it and plus i wasn't made to buy expensive formulas such as sma stay down or carobel which just thickens the feed. I suggest you hound the gp if the gaviscon doesn't work. Good luck.
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Hi all. One week on and she still much the same really. I'm not convinced she has reflux though, or I just have wishful thinking that it's a combination of wind/her temperament or me not really figuring her 'crying' out.

Though, reading back on my original posts, bedtimes have improved over the past couple of days. Two nights in a row she has gone down really nicely, whether this is because she's happy with gaviscon or because or other reasons I don't know?

She does spend much of her awake time crying. Since the reflux diagnosis I tried spreading her feeds out as I read they feed to get temporary relief. but yesterday I went back to feeding on demand and on the whole had a happier baby. She fed every two hours... HOWEVER she slept from 1930-0730 fed, then slept again 0900-1315 then fed every two hours until 1830 - so really I think she just plays catch up with her feeds and is extra hungry during her awake hours?

I'll take her back to the doctors next week to discuss it as I don't want to be giving her gaviscon if I don't need to.

She is still unsettled in the afternoons - lets herself get overtired and only catnaps like the pre-gaviscon days. Maybe it's just her unsettled time of day?
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