At wits end, don't know what to do!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Harlow has cried continuously since 9pm last night.. She has slept for a maximum of 6 hours in a 24 hour period and even settling her for those 6 hours was on and off crying in between. She cries for a feed and then cries after a feed, she brings her wind up whilst crying in between. I bathed her thinking it would settle her which it did for 5 minutes but then the screaming started again. Family just keep telling me she has a poorly tummy and its ok and just cuddle and distract her but surely to god she shouldn't be this upset?!?!?!?

Should I take her to the hospital?
awwhh poor thing,poor you too!!! have you tried the gripe water i know it says its not for under 1month olds but ive used it and it really helps settle anthony when he has wind..
maybe you should take her to docs if she doesnt stop,just incase!
Is she suffering from colic hun? Tegan used to scream for hours upon hours when she was suffering. no temperature or anything? Xx
I don't have any :(

Where do you get it from? Would Tesco sell it? It's the only place open at this time near me x
Lou you can call an organisation called Crysis, they might be able to advise you?? She's clearly got colic bit that seems like a lot of crying to me! Xx
I'm not sure ZMD, she has never been diagnosed. I have never had a health visitor come out to me yet so I have never had them confirm or unconfirm. Looking at the symptoms I would say it looks likely she does but then it says on many websites that it only starts from 4 weeks old and she is only 2 weeks x
Thanks Pos, just googled them to get the number to call but they are closed after 10pm, will call them in the morning x
Does sound like colic. Tegan was caused by a Lactose intolerance so although stuff helped it didn't 'stop' until she was prescribed special formula.
gripe water did help her & i used it from 3 weeks Tesco sell it :hugs: i know how hard it is xx
I use colief as had problems with crying, wind etc. Infacol good to try first if its wind. She would cry after burping as though she had brought something up. In her case it could be silent reflux. Worth going to doctor by main thing now for you will be getting your LO to have more sleep. Whether there is anything else wrong with her she will definitely be overtired and then you get in to a cycle where they are too tired to calm down and sleep. You could try long walks or drives to see if they can sleep. Or will LO sleep on your arms. With both of mine I have ti hold them tight to me, rock up and down and pat their bum. They will scream at least three separate times, as they are fighting sleep, and then finally calm down. I just keel doing the sane thing through their screams which s hard as I used to want to try something else as soon as the crying started. I know it's so hard to listen to the crying but it will get easier
If it is colic and you are not breastfeeding there are some wonderful comfort milks that work wonders, also Infacol helped Jacob a lot with wind along with some great bottles, my first son had it from 4 weeks, he would just scream and scream xxx
Aww poor baby. How was she last night?...

Maybe try a sling if you have one? Skin to skin contact is supposed to soothe babies and your warmth would feel nice for her tummy if it hurts xx
We used infacol with Oscar, we only had that kind of crying a couple of times thankfully. Infacol can take a few weeks to build up, but with Oz it made a difference really quickly.

If you're really worried though hun defo speak to health professional xxx
All the girls have said what I was going to say. R u making sure u get her to sleep-swaddling, dark room, loudly shooshing, patting bum etc by the latest 1.5 hours after she has woken from last sleep as some babies find it hard to sleep and get into a bad cycle. If it's wind try and rock her to sleep in the tiger in the tree hold (utube it). Best of luck honey xxxx
have you tried giving her tummy a good rub too? there are some baby massage strokes but basically in a clockwise direction as you are looking at her around the belly button, firm but gentle following the line of the intestinal track. really helped Drake when his colic was flaring up and you get loads of farts and even poo out :p

if not then infacol or colief, but go to the doctors for colief as its expensive but they give it on perscription.

hope she settles soon, good luck

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