Flippin' 9 Week Old


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
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She is a nightmare... Except at nights when, when she finally settles she snoozes all night long or wakes once, for this I am grateful.

But she is a nightmare. Firstly she doesn't ruddy nap. I wouldn't mind too much if she was a happy little cherub but she isn't. She cries, and cries. I feed her constantly, burp her, cuddle her, play with her etc. She's miserable. Bedtimes are a complete farce. It takes a solid 2 hours (minimum) to get her settled. For three weeks I've done a routine of - nappy, bed clothes, bottle in darkened room - then she should sleep. Never. Two hours of bouncing, rocking, burping, feed, feed, rocking, burping and screaming she eventually goes down.

The girl shows no feeding routine at all. I did EASY routine with my son, which worked well as when he napped he napped for two hours. If my girl naps it's for half an hour max. She's so unsettled and just struggling to find her happy place.

She hates her buggy too, so no escape there!

The two things that save me from complete despair is the fact that I know this can't last forever and that she does sleep at night. Other than that the days and evenings are hellish.

I have a toddler too, that demands attention.

Apparently I have a husband but never get to spend time together in the evenings because she takes so long to settle and I'm shattered after all the faff and go to bed myself.

Sorry for the moan. I'm irked :lol:
I think it's gas. Her tummy was gurgling this evening and it wasn't hunger. I give her Colief but it hasn't helped much yet :-(
Any sign shes in pain at all?

I was thinking the same. My eldest son was similar to how you're describing your daughter, generally quite grumpy, never wanting to nap and when he did it was for half an hour max. He also wanted to be held constantly. Eventually we found out he had reflux and once we got treatment for this he was a different baby overnight, much more content.

Personally I'd also not bother with the routine. My youngest is eight weeks old and a fantastic napper compared to his brother. But he is still very inconsistent with them. On Friday he was pretty much asleep for a good 2-3 hours between every feed. Saturday he was happy with a few 45 minute naps, and yesterday he had three roughly 90 mins naps. These didn't necessarily correspond with feeds, some times he's following sleep, activity, eat and others its the eat, activity, sleep recommend with easy. He's happy slotting in with our existing routine and napping when he's tired.
My 9 week old is very much the same. Sleeps well a night but constantly feeding during the day and only really goes down for one nap a day for up to 2 hours!
Very exhausting when you can't do anything else other than feed
My 8 week old is similar to this. It may be controversial but have you tried a dummy? When my Lo gets bad wind pains (the type which aren't going to come up) the only thing I've found helps is a dummy and a tight cuddle. It calms her down and will put her to sleep albeit not for long. My Lo has maybe 3 naps of between 20 and 45mins and the slightest noise wakes her. By 8pm she's so over tired she's in a very bad mood and takes atleast and hour to settle. It's frustrating but like yours mine does sleep at night so I can't complain too much
I was thinking reflux too Rooster. My LO had always been a happy bunny but at 5 weeks seemed to suffer with alot of wind that caused him pain and we couldn't get out. He was fussier, always seemed to want held, walked around, fussier on breast, wanting to be on breast more too and would wake from a nap in no time. By 6 weeks he was screaming after some feeds-ends up it was reflux. Medication worked really quickly and my happy baby was back in no time and not clingy or hard to settle anymore. He also goes for a good nap most times. Good luck.
Thanks all. I'm taking her to the doctors this afternoon so she can have a scream there! I do think it is gas. I have little experience of reflux so not sure what signs I need to be looking out for. She isn't a particularly sick baby, if she is sick then it isn't huge amounts.

I resent having to use a dummy. It works well for many mums and that's fine. I just don't like the thought of having to deal with dummy issues (i.e. getting up throughout the night to pop it back in, and taking dummy away in future). I do give her a dummy whilst out in the buggy though, but that's the only instance.
Your Daughter sounds exactly like my youngest Son! He used to scream all day and then sleep like a dream at night. Honestly the only thing that helped was laying him on his tummy to sleep. Very contraversial I know but I laid him across my lap on his tummy at 9 days old and he snuggled in and fell asleep! He slept for 2.5hrs!! That was it from then on he slept on his tummy and slept very well. He screamed every day for 7 weeks before his colic cleared but has always been a tummy sleeper.

The constant feeding may be relieving her pain, my boy constantly fed too.

I hope the Doctor can help x
Claire I've had to do the same. Gabriella doesn't sleep well in her back and it makes her throw up. Ever since she's slept on her front she's the most happiest and sleeps much longer!
Yup, she already is a tummy sleeper, my son was the same with his bad colic. She's just woken after a 30 minute nap, sucking away on her fists and crying (she had 6oz less than 2 hours ago so really don't think she's hungry).

I am counting down to the 12 week mark already!
I know you're not keen on the dummy but I have to admit it was a huge help with my eldest. Before I had him I thought dummies were the work of Satan and there was no way in hell my kids were having one, I was that against them! But it did make a massive difference and out weighed any negatives! The replacing it at night stage was short lived and coincided with teething, so we were up at night regardless. He's happily dropped it himself. We were strict with it only being for sleep and then eventually stopped offering it at bedtime too. My youngest isnt as fussed on a dummy but has recently shown signs of wanting to suck his thumb! Not happening!!
Hi all. Doctor reckoned reflux so have been given gaviscon. I will give it to her tomorrow. Will I need to buy stage 2 teats for this one? Can't envision a gaviscon filled milk being easy to get out of a size 1 teat...
Fingers crossed it works well for her Rooster. With any luck you will find yourself with a much happier baby very soon. If you don't think it's working well though definitely go back to the doctor as there are various other things they can offer just they always seem to start off with gaviscon if baby will take a bottle. Either way LO should be much better very soon (and you will get a well deserved break)!!!
I hope it works. Though don't want to fix one problem and gain another problem and have her constipated from gaviscon.
Good god yes, get biggest teats. It makes the milk thicker. Offer your baby water as well and that should prevent constipation.
I didn't know two month old could have water... and how much of it?!

Feeling really down about this reflux diagnosis now. I had hoped it was just a case of giving gaviscon and happy days... how ignorant of me!
It could be. Gaviscon obviously works for some babies so its worth trying. I just wanted to let you know that there are other options if it doesn't work or LO gets constipated. My sister had to try various medications starting with Gaviscon before she got something to work for my nephew. Ranitidine worked for him and my niece so when my LO had problems I requested it from doctor. Tbh I think I only got it because I was bf'ing as I was told they normally start with thickening the milk. Obviously doctor agreed that wasn't practical so agreed to let me start with it and we noticed an improvement straight away. You have definitely done the hard bit and there's light at the end of the tunnel so don't worry even if Gaviscon isn't the answer.

Good luck though and let us know how you get on.
Sounds like my little boy but thankfully he isn't constantly clingy or crying he does settle for a while before he gets bored! I don't know what to suggest all babies are different & we eventually find a rountine that works sometimes that can come quickly & for others it could take a little more time. It must be harder though for you as you have got another child to think about whereas ive only got the one!

With my little boy i don't have a set routine i go with the flow as one day is different to the next but more times than not we generally have the same type of day but i am lucky that he is a very easy baby to look after. Yes he has his moments where he can have his temper cries & he hardly ever sleeps during the day i think he will maybe have a total of possibly an hour all day like he has today. Even though he is awake most of the day i find i can still do things, take him places & he won't be too much trouble, he will cry when he wants a feed but then generally he will be okay to have mat time or sit in his chair etc. He has been grouchy lately but i think that is down to the weather it's too hot for me so i can only imagine what it's like for a 13 week old baby. He does sleep threw the night now went down at 10 the other night & had a full 8 hours.

Have you got a sling? I know it may not be practical or as easy as using the stroller but could you get out in the fresh air, take a walk? Does she enjoy music? My little boy loves music time & if i rock him in my arms whilst singing he will always fall asleep on me, it's getting him to stay asleep once i've put him in his pram that's hard

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