She is a nightmare... Except at nights when, when she finally settles she snoozes all night long or wakes once, for this I am grateful.
But she is a nightmare. Firstly she doesn't ruddy nap. I wouldn't mind too much if she was a happy little cherub but she isn't. She cries, and cries. I feed her constantly, burp her, cuddle her, play with her etc. She's miserable. Bedtimes are a complete farce. It takes a solid 2 hours (minimum) to get her settled. For three weeks I've done a routine of - nappy, bed clothes, bottle in darkened room - then she should sleep. Never. Two hours of bouncing, rocking, burping, feed, feed, rocking, burping and screaming she eventually goes down.
The girl shows no feeding routine at all. I did EASY routine with my son, which worked well as when he napped he napped for two hours. If my girl naps it's for half an hour max. She's so unsettled and just struggling to find her happy place.
She hates her buggy too, so no escape there!
The two things that save me from complete despair is the fact that I know this can't last forever and that she does sleep at night. Other than that the days and evenings are hellish.
I have a toddler too, that demands attention.
Apparently I have a husband but never get to spend time together in the evenings because she takes so long to settle and I'm shattered after all the faff and go to bed myself.
Sorry for the moan. I'm irked
But she is a nightmare. Firstly she doesn't ruddy nap. I wouldn't mind too much if she was a happy little cherub but she isn't. She cries, and cries. I feed her constantly, burp her, cuddle her, play with her etc. She's miserable. Bedtimes are a complete farce. It takes a solid 2 hours (minimum) to get her settled. For three weeks I've done a routine of - nappy, bed clothes, bottle in darkened room - then she should sleep. Never. Two hours of bouncing, rocking, burping, feed, feed, rocking, burping and screaming she eventually goes down.
The girl shows no feeding routine at all. I did EASY routine with my son, which worked well as when he napped he napped for two hours. If my girl naps it's for half an hour max. She's so unsettled and just struggling to find her happy place.
She hates her buggy too, so no escape there!
The two things that save me from complete despair is the fact that I know this can't last forever and that she does sleep at night. Other than that the days and evenings are hellish.
I have a toddler too, that demands attention.
Apparently I have a husband but never get to spend time together in the evenings because she takes so long to settle and I'm shattered after all the faff and go to bed myself.
Sorry for the moan. I'm irked