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Sep 23, 2006
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I'm new to the board - in fact, I've only just taken a pregnancy test and got a positive this morning. Could someone tell me if this is conclusive or if the doctor does further tests to confirm the result? My doctor is closed over the weekend and I'm going to be out of the country next week so I'm dying to find out for certain!

I look forward to getting to know you all.

Hi Lucy, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your BFP! :cheer:

I don't know about in your area, but my doctors don't routinely do a test to confirm - they just tell me that the booking-in appointment will be at around 10 weeks or so.

You could always do another test in a few days, which would keep you going until you come back from abroad? Good luck!
No pregnancy tests are that accurate now you don't need to see you GP. You will need to book in with a midwife but you first apointment isn't usually till your about 10 weeks. Congratulations!
congratulations on your BFP lucy! its not often that you get a false positive, false negatives happen but id say its pretty certain if you get a positive. i got my BFP last week and went to the docs and she didnt do any tests, they are quite happy to rely on the results of the HPT. i think i did another 2 tests since my BFP just to make sure! :oops:

i just rang my doc and booked an appointment for a week after i found out, she took all my details and now watching the post for my midwife appointment! :)
congratulations and welcome hun xxxx
Thanks for your messages! I'm pretty excited but don't want to get too excited in case it's all a big mistake.
congratulations and welcome to the forum hun!!!


Congrats ,.. if you have doubts couldnt you test again to make sure, here when we go to the doctors with a positive they do a test as well
Hi Lucy
Nice to meet you. :wave:

I did two tests just to make sure and then my husband insisted I go to the docs for a "professional" opinion. I kind of knew what the doc would say but I went along anyway.

The doctor told me that they use the same tests you buy in the shops and that he's never known one to be wrong. So don't worry about not going striaght to your doctors. When you do get to go they will get you to fill in forms for free perscriptions and dental checks and sort out the antenatal stuff for you.

The other thing to consider is: How do you feel? I knew I was pregnant before I did the tests, I just had a gut feeling.

When you have been to the doctors let us know how you got on.

Take care hun and :clap: CONGRATULATIONS :clap:
Your pg! If you got a positive, then your pg, the only way it could be mistaken is of you get a negative (as you could still be pg) so.....


as the other girsl have said - you can always to take another test to ease your mind :cheer:

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