I'm a bit worried...


New Member
Jun 6, 2011
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Last week I did two home pregnancy tests that came back positive but I've got no symptoms. My boobs aren't sore, I wee a lot anyway as I drink lots of water, although, I'm tired more than usual. The doctor said they don't usually do tests unless they need to. How long do you usually have to wait to see a MW? Sorry if I sound pathetic.
I didn't get many symptoms straight away hun. And usually around 8 weeks you'll have a "booking in" appointment with a midwife. Although if you're worried I'm sure you can probably get booked in a bit earlier? Give the hospital/gp a call and ask :) Do you have idea how far along you are now? x
I think it depends on your practice/area. Ring up your surgery and ask. It seems from most ladies that your not seen for a few weeks. I've only got my booking in app tomrrow and I'm over 8 weeks now.
I'm approx 5-6 weeks, I think I'm worried over nothing but won't really believe that I am until my first scan.
Give em a call in the next few days and you can probably get an appointment in the next week or so... Hope everything goes well :) x
I still won't believe it until I see my first scan hun and I'm nearly 10 weeks.
Its a funny business isn't it?!
I posted earlier that I feel I have been a bit left by my MW, but I think its just the way it is.
I feel should be getting more attention than I am! Ha ha ha!!
And as for symptons I'm sure they'll start soon!
Mine started with massive boobs which became painful.
I often feel sick but have not actually vomited and it hasn't put me off eating! I think we're all different.
Good luck!
x x x

Ahh hun, different people seem to have different levels of symptoms. My mum had no symptoms other than feeling a bit tired but I have been very sick since 6 weeks!! ALso it may still be to come!! If in doubt why not take another preg test (I have done 4 now!!)
I had no symptoms at the start and I only did a hpt cos af was late my symptoms arrived around 6-7 weeks and most went again around 9 weeeks but had a scan yesterday and baby was wrigglling around lol
Hey hun dont worry... lots of people dont have any symptoms to start with.
Contact ur local midwife... ur gp shud be able to give u details... and she will go thru everything with u and make ur booking in appointment for u xxxx
Hey hun dont worry... lots of people dont have any symptoms to start with.
Contact ur local midwife... ur gp shud be able to give u details... and she will go thru everything with u and make ur booking in appointment for u xxxx

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