First timer - questions! PCOS and Pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2007
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Hi all

I've recently found out that i'm 4 weeks pregnant, after only 1 month of trying!

I also have PCOS, does anyone know if there are any risks during pregnancy with this condition?

I have my first doctors appointment on friday, and i'm just wondering what sort of things they do at the appointment?

Sorry for the silly questions....very nervous! :oops:

Thanks everyone :)
every doc will be diff but mine just asked the date of last period, had a feel of my tummy and asked me to book in with the midwife(she will then go through medical history, check bloods etc and book me in for my first scan)

congrats on your news :hug:
Congrats on your pregnancy! :cheer: :cheer: Don't know about PCOS but I'm sure someone else will.
The doctors don't usually do much, maybe give you some advice on foods to avoid and check you're taking folic acid. He/she'll refer you to the midwife.
Hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy :D
Hello and welcome!! Congratulations!!

My sister has quite severe PCOS and is taking metformin. She concieved after about two metformin cycles and had a really happy and healthy pregnancy, she gave birth just 2 months ago. There was no real problems expected for her pregnancy because of PCOS. I hope that puts your mind at reest a bit. :hug:

The doc usually just checks when your last LMP was and sends you off to make an appointment with the midwife. I think it might be different in other areas though so don't quote me :)
Congratulations :dance:

My doctor just talked through things to avoid and things to do and then put me in touch with my midwife.

Sorry don't know anything about PCOS.
some good news , being pregnanct usual helps pcos and sometimes clears it altogether :cheer:
Thanks ladies :)

The info about PCOS had really put my mind at rest too!

hi sally

i've got pcos and am now 14+3 :) i was on metformin for about 2 weeks before we conceived, but my gp took me straight off it when we found out - although diabetics still take it when pregnant, she didn't see the need for me to have it, and i was happy with that.

have had my first midwife appt since and she has told me that there aren't any associated problems. my first scan (tvs at 7 weeks as i didn't know my dates at all - no periods for about 3 months!) showed the cysts on my right ovary but they weren't looking like they were going to be problematic.

so, so far so good. although my symptoms haven't gotten any better at all! spots are partying all over, and the hairyness is just getting silly... but i'm just so pleased that i'm growing a baby that i really don't care!!
Hi purple13

I didn't have a period for about 3 months either - but I did a test about 4/5 weeks ago and it was negative, so i'm gussing I'm about 4 weeks - could be wrong though!

Thanks for your help :)
Hi and congrats, I'm another with pcos and not had any problems (touch wood)
Thanks ladies :)

Roughly how long do you have to wait to see the midwife?

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