First scan

Hiya Rach

Have had another pretty good day today, just felt sick when I woke up and nothing since touch wood. I obviously don't agree with the Spaghetti Bolognese I made for tea, terrible indigestion now!!!

I went to see a colleague of mines 4 week old baby today, she was absolutley gorgeous, I gave her a cuddle and she didn't cry (normally burst into tears as soon as I touch them!!!) but she let out an enormous fart - I couldn't believe it, bless her!!! It made me really excited to be PG!!!

Hope you are having a good day and still feel ok too.

hi lindsay seems like all my pg symptoms have gone away and made room for a nice cough and cold lol feeling not too bad today though am starting to get nervous about the scan now roll on thursday morning just hope all will be ok :?

go to your doctors and get some peptac for your indegestion thats what mine gave me and its working a treat :D

glad your feeling well hopefully we are getting to the stage now where we bloom lol fingers crossed xxxxxxxxx
Hello Rach

Just a quickie to say good luck having your scan tomorrow, I can't wait to hear all about it. Are you going to find out the sex of your baby when you can? I always said that I wanted to but now I am not too sure.

I have had another ok feeling day - roll on the bloom :D :D :D

Take care and good luck again.

Hi Lindsay how you feelin now? Sorry havent been on in a while just havent been able to do anything, just feel like a slob at mo. Everythn is an effort. Hangin in :oops:
Lorrie x
aww lorrie hun u sound right fed up :( sorry your so poorly only a few more weeks hun and u should start to feel better take care and remember it will all be worth it when holding that lovely baby in the end xxxxxxx

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