

New Member
Jan 9, 2021
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Hello! I am in my first 6 weeks of pregnancy and I have experienced some scary symptoms... I have had cramping and bleeding. However, normally the cramping is then followed by gas or constipation. I am not sure if this could mean miscarriage, or is totally normal. The cramping happened one day, then came back two days later. I have not experienced either since. Thanks in advance, and any more first pregnancy advice would be great!
Hi! If you’re bleeding and cramping, I would call your doctor. Those are both symptoms of a miscarriage and they may want to do an early scan to see if that’s what has happened. Unfortunately there’s not much that we can say but speculate what we think could be happening, which very well may not be the case. I’m not saying I think it’s a miscarriage, many women experience bleeding in their pregnancies but if I were you, I’d want to be safe. Call your provider and let them know ASAP! Keep us updated and I wish you all the best!
I had cramps around 3-4 weeks and I think they were implantation cramps. Week 5 I started spotting (brownish) for like 4-5 days and I went to my ob/gyn and they did an ultrasound and it was implantation bleeding. Week 6 I went to the restroom and I had discharge and I had a little blood in it and went back for another sonogram and was able to see the baby’s heartbeat and everything was okay. If your cramps are worst than your period cramps then it should be concerning and if the bleeding is bright red and can fill a pad. But to make sure call your doctor, he will probably do a scan. Hope it helps! Praying for you and the baby.

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