First positive opk! needed!?!


Mar 5, 2012
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Hi ladies, I have been a bit of a lurker on here since having my implant out on 6th March as I thought it would be months until anything happened!

Anyways to cut a long story short I have had the implant for 4 years and was having depo injections for 4 years before that so haven't had a single period in 8 years. So we decided to ttc and had the implant out on 6th March. I have been using cb opk's everyday and got a smiley face this morning!! I'm so shocked as it was in my head that it would take months for things to get going!!

So the question is what do I do now?? I thought I had read enough on here to get it all straight in my head but now it's actually happening its all gone!! Haha!

Thanks girls!xx
A smiley face means u will ov in the next 12-48 hours so if u r ttc u better get some sexy time!!
Hahaha!! Thanks girls! Dont worry Im on it!!

So I should actually ovulate tomorrow then? And when do I start my dpo count?....Saturday??

Sorry this is probably really obvious but Im so excited my heads gone into a mush!!
Ok so now I'm totally confused!!

Had some ic opk's come in the post today and couldn't resist to try one out tonight! It's negative!!

Should I trust the cb over the ic??
maybe u already had ur surge on the cb i know sumtimes if i have a realy gd + at 2 in afternoon if i then do one at say 8 at night it is negative, i have never ussed a cb just ics so cannot comment on that get shagging anyways lol xx

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