First PND Mental Health nurse appointment

Well after putting off 2 appointments already, been told I have to go tomorrow or i'll have to be signed onto the list again, and it could take weeks/months to get another appointment.
I have seen psychiatric staff in the past for depression, but anyone ho has been through it for PND can you give me some guidance as to what happens in the session? PM if you dont wanna make it public.

I am terrfied of going tomorrow :( :cry:

You'll be fine Sami, you are very brave to admit this and get help, hopefully your honesty will help others on here. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

Good luck for tomorrow
hey, sorry cant give advice on this either, but like urchin said, well done 4 goin so public with it, is such a hard thing 2 admit 2 :clap: am wishing u the best of luck!!
Thank you girls. I hate admitting how I feel but I want others to know their not alone
my friend suffered really badly 4m it, n wasnt diagnosed 4 bout 6 month, was such ashame, she felt embarassed 2 admit it, n didnt want 2 air her thots bcos of stigma, but its people like u who really help others thro it!!! its half the battle almost over wen u can stand up and say wots wrong, so u stay strong!!! :hug:
Sami you didn't tell me about this today?

Is she coming to your house or did you plan it another way this time?

You could always arrange to have it at my house if you want a little familiarity and support xxx
You know what I'm like hun, not very good at talking about how I feel face to face :oops: I'm going to the health centre to have the session at 10:30am. Mum is having Damien. I'm not sure I would be very good at having it at your house hun, I find it hard to cry in front of people. Thank you though, I appreciate you are there for me. xxx

Thak you Yvanne x
No advice, just hope it all goes ok, thinking of you.
no problem, im sure it will be easier talkin 2 a professional esp as it will b a stranger, i sumtimes find tht easier!! hence y i found this place!!!
Good luck for today Sami....remember we are all here for you.

Hope it went ok hun, you've done the right thing. First appointment is always the first but very important!!!
Well I got in there and was shaking - I felt so sick :( she had invited some trainee nurse into the room which I wasn't happy about, but I didn't say anything :oops:

She basically wen over my history, what my main issues were and elaborasted on them. Then she said she has to have a meeting with all of the mental health team and decide who is best to 'treat' me. Got to go back next Friday for another session.

Everytime she mentioned my relationship with Damien as a mum I started crying :cry: She reassured me that all mums find it tough, and with my previous depression it's unsurprising I feel like I do now. Even so, I still feel like a terrible mum. I haven't really gone into it all with her yet though.

Also talked about the views I have of myself and the way I look etc (because I'm very self concious)

It was wierd and I didn't feel any better for explaining everything, but I am hoping in time that I will.

Thank you for all your messages. It's nice to know you are thinking of me and that you don't think I'm mental or unfit in some way :oops:
Im glad you went and spoke to her. If you keep meeting with her and talking to her you might be surprised with the things that come out that might help.

Nobody at all thinks you are mental or unfit, Im in awe of how you manage with the anopea.

She is right, lots of mums feel like you do, unfortuantly they might not recongise they need a wee bit of help.

thats bad if she never asked u if it wa sok 4 trainees 2 b in....
but well done u 4 going!! its 1 step 4ward on ur journey :hug:

Good for you going it must be tough to say how you feel im the same way. Hope you find someone you trust to talk to
:hug: hugs for you hun. it must be so hard for you, you have been coping with a heck of a lot this last year - you are so strong!

they really should have asked if it was ok for the student nurse to be present - and you have every right to say no!
Well I thought I would update, might help people who are going throught he same thing, you never know. That or it will help me say a few things too.

They have called me in today to see another doctor to change the meds I am on as (quote) "they clearely aren't working or helping you" (unquote). Bit nervous about this as we are TTC as you know and I don't really wnt to take any drugs when pregnant. If I have to I will stay on them for the first 2 trimesters, but by the third trimester I want to be off them so baby won't have to be weaned off then after he/she is born. Bit nervous to be honest about seeing another doctor, it's a man, and I'm not very good at trusting male doctors, so my female psyche nurse is coming in with me as I said I wouldn't go :roll:

Hoping it goes okie.....

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