First period after m/c - TMI warning!


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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Well I had 2 m/cs in a row Oct and Nov and have just finished my first period in 3 months (Weds - Fri). I was expecting a really heavy one but it lasted 2 1/2 days (normally im jsut over 3) and was lighter than normal. It also didnt start like a normal one, I had a very slightly pinkish CM for 2 days beforehand, lots of excess CM I had that 'full' feeling in my belly that i usually get the day of AF (also had both times i was pregnant) but it started a full 5 days before AF was due. And AF didn't start with brown spotting like normal. It was like an On/Off switch! Bright red. And stopped just as suddenly with no brown - not like normal.

I have been feeling dizzy (but it could be dehydration, it's very hot here at the mo) and have had some weird cramps in my lower belly. I can't tell whether it's uterus or bowels. Sorry for TMI but I've had diarrhoea too and I can't work out whether the cramps are because of that or not but they have me bent double sometimes. Never had THAT with diarrhoea before...

I have also been very tired (but not AS tired as with both previous pregnancies) and had some awful lower back pain (like AF but worse than normal).

Hubby has said I should take a pregnancy test but I don't really want to see "Not Pregnant" written out like that. Plus it's a waste as I've just had a period.

What the hell is going on?! Is this just normal 'post-m/c' AF or what? I still feel a bit queasy...
Sorry to hear about your losses sweetie :hug: It's dreadful isn't it :(
I think it's probably just your body getting back to normal after all it's been through. I can't give you first hand knowledge as i'm just going through my m/c and i'm only just starting to stop bleeding.
It does take a while for our bodies to settle back into a normal routine and I wouldn't worry too much hun. I get dreadful diarrhoea at the beginning of my periods.
I'm utterly exhausted and the amout of stress and worry plus the physicality of it all puts the most dreadful strain on your body and is likely to have a longer lasting effect than any of the other symptoms.

If you're really worried give your dr a call. Were you under the hospital when you had your m/c? I just call them with all my worries and they're great at explaining what's happening to me ~ all of it they said was completely normal.

Take care :hug:
cant really advise much, Im haveing a af at mo (i m/c nov)
nd its totally unlike it normally would be, I spoke to my sister who has been through m/cs and she thinks its prob just the body clearing out after the hiccups its had ready to settle back down before givin you a proper af, my bleeding has started just under 3 weeks after I stopped bleeding
as hanah says if your to worried have a word with your doc

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I was in hospital for the first but not the second. As we are abroad they were pretty useless to be honest and gave us no advice whatsoever (except "Go back on the pill and try again in six months" !!!) - nobody ever actually told us we'd miscarried our first baby. So I doubt they'll be any use.

O/h made me do an hpt this morning which (surprise surprise) came out negative. What a waste of a fiver!

Thanks guys, it's just made me worry a bit is all. But at least, having had a month off, we can get back to ttc now!!

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