First Parent Craft Class on Thursday


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2005
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Hi Ladies

I have got my first parent craft class on Thursday morning, Dh is coming along with me!! It's all about Labour, anyone tell me what to expect as I haven't a clue!! Feel nervous and excited about going along.

Hiya Lindsay,

I really enjoyed my parent craft classes. On the first sesh we casually introduced ourselves then the M/W went through the first signs of labour & the first stages & what pain relief we can have. It was quite like an informal chat really where we asked questions & they got us involved a bit by asking us questions.
It went really quickly too. How long are your classes, ours were about 2 hours. On our last class we were all laughing so much & having a good time it went on for about 3 hours!!

Let us know how it goes.

Nicki.x :D
there are no classes in my area and ive no transport to get to the ones further away closest one is like over 30 mins by car :(
hope it goes well lindsay hun xxxxx
Thanks Nicki I am looking forward to them now :lol: yeah ours are for 2 hours too - not bad when I am going in works time :wink: will let you know how I get on! Any more signs of little en making an entrance?!!

I only had 2 x 1.5 hour sessions, didn't learn much though - Discorvery Health taught me most of it :lol:

Good luck and hope you enjoy it!
Lindsay said:
Any more signs of little en making an entrance?!!

Hiya, Not really no, the little blighter is snug in there I think! :( I've been getting period type pains again this morning & quite a few Braxton Hicks but thats my lot.
I'm off to see my M/W this arvo so half expecting her to say that he's come back up out of my pelvis!!!
How did your mw app go nicki has she said when she thinks you will be delivering?


Thanks for thinking of me :D

Everything is fine ta, urine sample, blood pressure normal and he's still fully engaged (yay!) but she didn't give any indication when she thinks he'll come (Boo!) and talked about making an appointment next week, i'll have to see another m/w as she's on holiday, so they can discuss an induction if I go past my due date, not what I wanted to hear really, but I guess they have to do it :(

She just said he could come any day or I could go 2 weeks past DD but since i've been back i've been getting quite alot of dull aches really down low & he's not wriggling as much so i'm hoping he's deciding when he wants to meet me & gathering his thoughts :lol:

Nicki.xx :D
I went along to the class, there were loads of us there and the room wasn't that big so was boiling hot - they were very apologetic about it all! the class itself went ok, it was all about labour and what to expect for the first signs of labour etc etc to be honest I knew alot about it from this forum, lol!!

It was interesting as they spoke about the hospital that I will be giving birth in - as I am a low dependancy I will be able to have my own private room for the birth and for 24 hours after actually giving birth and in the room there is an ensuite and a corner bath - they said to bring along the lavendar oils for the bath!! If all is well I will be allowed to go home after the 24 hours unless there are complications and then I will be moved onto the ward. They do hospital visits, so I will be going on that when I finish work on maternity leave.

They talked about men being given the opportunity to cut the cord if they wish, they asked if there was anyone that was wanting to cut the cord - DH put his hand up straight away, bless him there was only him and another guy that said that they wanted too!

Next week is all about pain releif in labour ....

Have had my second parent craft class now, this one was about pain relief in labour. It is obvious that the hospital trust has targets to get more water births as they seemed to be really pushing them - there was only one girl who was interested but her Dh wasn't!!!

I have decided that I am going to try and give birth with just gas and air - however they also mentioned that you can have an injection of Meptid, which is not a controlled drug it is more like a p;ainkiller which can be taken in the first tages of labour to ease strong contractions. Apparently it doesn't affect the babies breathing as much as diamorphine does - anyone else had experience of taking it? I will write in my birthing plan that if it is deemed medically necessarily I will have other forms of painrelief, but I would rather not. Just you watch, it will be me that comes on to say that I have a new arrival and have used every form of pain relief you can get :lol:

Next weeks session is all about breast feeding, so watch this space ....

I am really looking forward to my classes. What are the other girls like?

I am hoping to meet some nice girls from my area.... my luck they will all be skanks and chavs! :shock: :lol: xxx
Hope ours are as good as your classes have been.

We've booked in for weekend sessions, didn't want DH wasting his hols on ante natal classes when it could be spent with me & Bambino instead later on.

Ours start in May.
The girls appear to be a bit older in my class, they are all friendly though!! There was one girl who in the first week was there with her mum and looked like a total chav and I am ashamed to admit I assumed that she wouldn't be with her partner but I was so wrong - she is married and has been trying for a long time and finally got pg with IVF. I gave my head a good hard shake for being judgemental :oops:

Bagpuss our classes are 10-12 on a Thursday morning, DH came to the first one but was working for last weeks so my mum came with me. Wish we had more choice of when we could attend.

Alot of the information you know already, but it's nice to be able to talk to other people who are going through the same emotions and feelings as you - there are loads who are scared of labour, I thought it was just me!!!!!


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