First night without the dummy

Daniel's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2007
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Daniel is now almost 21 months old and we have been talking about him giving up the dummy for sometime now and discussing ways to go about it.

Anyway last time we brought him new dummies we let him choose which ones he wanted - he choose a pack of 2 Avent ones. He has very good vocabulary and a good understanding of what your saying to him so we told him whilst we were in the shop that this was the last dummies and there would be no more after these. He understands one more and no more very well! A week later he had already chewed through one of the dummies, so I showed it to him and told him it was broken and to put it in the bin which he did and told him there was one more left then no more. I have kept reminding him since then that there is no more dummies when this one brakes ( he says 'no more dum dum's'). so tonight we are in the car and he gives me his dummy and says it's broken. So I told him it has to go in the bin when we get home and explained that he would get a prize for giving it up. Walked in the house and he went straight and put it in the bin. Gave him a new little soft toy that I had brought in readyness (which he wasn't bothered about at all) and we haven't heard about it since.

I've got him ready for bed, took him up where he normally does a check of everything he must have in his cot expecting him to mention it but he didn't. It is still all quiet now.

I know it is early days but i was sure I was going to have tears straight away. We can't go anywhere unless we have Brian (his lion comforter) and his dummy. I have buterflys in my stomach as I wasn't expecting it to happen yet but I knew I couldn't go back on what I'd said.

I'll update on how it goes - keep your fingers crossed for me!!! I may be in for a few sleepless nights!
I was really interested in your post because at some point I will have to do this with my LO. She is 16 months and really only uses it for sleeping or if she has jabs/teething and is distressed. She has always been really 'sucky'. I've started to say to her to put her dummy in her cot after she wakes up and saying it is only for sleeping. She usually throws it in there quite happily (but today after her MMR she went back and looked longingly at it in the cot :) ) but I have no idea how I will get rid of it for nights.
I think if you have a child like yours who can communicate and understand really well, then you can talk about it being the last one etc. SO far this has worked for us but I don't have the nerves to get rid of it yet!! She only uses it to go off to sleep and the rest of the night it is out but she is fond of it.
Oh thats really great, hope tonight's sleep goes ok!
My LO only has it for bedtime (sometimes the daytime nap too but not always).
Would like to get rid of it by 2nd birthday too.
Expect the first few nights might be hard!! :)
Well two nights without the dummy and he's slept right through. No trouble with his nap yesterday either. The only time he is asking for it is in the day when he gets upset (if he tumbles or something) so far it has been fine with a cuddle from Mummy and taking his attention onto something else.

I still can't believe it can be this easy and smooth - I'm still expecting it to go wrong!

I'm on cloud nine and upset at the same time my baby really is a big boy now. I can't believe how quick the time has gone.

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