First Midwife Appointment


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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Hi All

I've just had my first midwife appointment and it went great. I know I am very early, but I had rang the doctors and told the receptionist that I was pregnant and she booked this appointment. She was lovely and has really put my mind at ease.

She has confirmed that the dates I have been using are correct, so bubba should be due on 5th September. When I told her that I felt pressured to do the 'right thing' with my daughter, she immediately changed the hospital for me. Although it was 13 years ago, I had such a bad experience at the Leicester Royal Infirmary that I didn't want to go back there. She has therefore booked me in to the Leicester General. When I mentioned my breast implants (to advise her that I had no bad reactions to general anesthetics), she asked if I would still be able to breastfeed. I said I didn't want to anyway because of problems last time, and she immediately said "don't let anyone pressure you into doing it if you don't want to". I was very shocked, but reassured, by this. She also asked about my last labour, and when I told her that I was pressured into minimal pain relief and in the end had to beg for an epidural and felt I had let everyone down, she asked if I wanted an epidural at the first twinge this time around!!! I said I would like to play it by ear, but she said there is no harm in putting it in my notes already. So, I'm not even 6 weeks yet, and already my notes state that I do not want to breastfeed, and want an epidural!! Very impressed!

When I mentioned that I was feeling really sick already, her first question was to ask if there was history of twins in the family. :shock: Now I'm really scared about the 12 weeks scan!!!!! :shock: And apparantly it is true that it skips a generation, which would mean that there should be a set in my DH's family in this generation. :shock:

Just the 12 week scan to wait for now......
I am so glad things are going well for you, it's about time! Just think of twins as two special bundles...although i understand where your'e coming from - i was convinced i was having twins and was relieved to say the least when the scan showed just the one!

Your midwife sounds brilliant - i really hope things go smoothly for the next 8 months for you, enjoy it!!
glad it all went well for you tankett hun xxxxxxx
hey twins would be great xxxxxxxxx
congrats again..........glad things went well with your appointment!!!!
I can't believe you've had your midwife appointment before me! I've not even seen the doctor properly yet! Jealous!!!!! :mrgreen: :lol:

Oh well I'm off to the docs in the morning for whatever they do, you know, I only just got my confirmation that I'm actually pregnant today from when I did urine test at docs last week! Bloody rubbish!

Anyway.........(sorry for moaning I just want something to happen!) I'm glad everything went better than expected at your midwife appointment, when do you get your scan date? Or have you already got it? :lol:

Hope you stop feeling sick soon.
Have you gone off any foods yet?

Look after yourself.
You lucky woman Tankett, your midwife sounds like a gem. I'm really glad that you've got off to a great start with your midwifery care.

I'm determined not to let them bully me into anything I don't want to do. I do want to breastfeed to start with but I really resent the way they virtually force woman to go down that route even if it's not what they want to do. Every woman is entitled to make her own mind up about these things and they should be supported with whatever they decide to do.

My sisters midwife sounds funny, she told her to have painrelief from the neck down! I'm defo going to be open minded and take whatever I need, that's all I need on my birthing plan.
Wow this is such good news and to see someone so soon. Sorry to hear you're feeling ill. I'm 5 weeks gone and feel fine, apart from severe exhaustion! I've never been so tired in my whole life.
I've got my doc appointment in two weeks. Can anyone tell me what I should expect. Will they do an internal or does that just happen at the 12 weeks stage. I get nervous that I'll miscarry but you can't worry about these things.
Take care,
Hi S,

It's incredible how the tiredness kicks in straight away. It does improve towards the end of the first trimester for us lucky ones.

Everywhere is different with regard to docs appointments.

At my first docs appointment they didn't ask me to do another pg test. They warned me that it was early days and went through what I should be avoiding food wise, what kind of care is available in my area in terms of midwives etc, when the first scan is etc..Then I had to make a booking appointment with my midwife at reception, that was made for about 4 or 5 weeks later.

I didn't have to have an internal as a matter of routine. I did end up having a couple because of the spotting I was having, otherwise I wouldn't have had any.

You won't necessarily have to have an internal.
Hey Tankett - can I register with your midwife she sounds brilliant! :)

The one I have been seeing (well, you get registered with two, so you never actually know who you will be seeing) has been a bit dozy -she keeps asking me what Hospital I am booked in at :shock: lol

What about the twin thing then as well!!!??!!! - as the lottery says "IT COULD BE YOU"!!! what does the D/H think to that!!??!!

Im booked in at the general so I will have to let you know what its like.

look foward to hearing the news about your 12-week scan!

Glad all went well for you

L x
Glad you are booked in at the General Lisa. It will be nice to speak to someone who has had first hand experience.

DH just laughed at the twin thing. :? As did the in-laws. My mum spoke as if twins would be the worse thing in the world to happen to anyone!!! Just got to sit and wait for the 12 week scan and hope for the best, whatever that will be!!!

Oh, and s, I didn't have to have an internal. I took a urine sample and she tested it again to ensure I was pg. she also took 5 vialls of blood for tests. It was mostly paperwork, but she really made me feel like I mattered, and was not just a number.
Hi Tankett

Your midwife sounds brilliant! I don't want to breastfeed either. I've spoken to my surgeon who did my implants and he said I can breastfeed if i choose to but after thinking about it for the past 6 weeks i'ved decided against it. I'm a little worried they might try to pressure me into trying it.. At the moment i have the strength to say NO! but i'm worried that after giving birth they will force the baby onto me. I think breastfeeding is perfectly natural but just not what I want.

Also I agree i'm gonna take the labour as it comes.. if i need pain killers then i'll give them a go (i know i will need something) i don't want to rule out epidural. To me it's the last option but still an option.

Sam my area seems to be very like yours. Upto now i've haven't spoken to anyone apart from my GP who didn't say much... about my pregnancy. I have an appointment 26th Jan which is the first time i speak to a midwife and have my scan. I'll be 13 weeks. I personnally think this is a long time to wait! maybe not for a scan but I think i should have spoken to a midwife by now! how do they know i'm eating the right food and taking my vits.. (if it wasn't for my pregnancy books I would be in the dark)

I'm really looking forwards to my scan although feeling a little nervous the closer it comes... It was 3 weeks yesterday.

Hope I get a midwife like yours Tankett. In liverpool we have a womens hospital. There are a number of midwifes who work at the hospital. When i go for my scan i will be given one! i'm not sure if she sticks with you for the whole term or you see a different one each time...

Good luck geting your scan appoiytnewnt
I will have to let you know who it goes in the general! Are you going to bother with parentcraft lessons? - mine are at the General so I could let you know what they are like too. I wasnt sure if you would be going seeing as you already have experience of being a mum already!!!

Well, I reckon twins would be great! I know my brother-in-law is smitten by his - they were not expecting them but they are the best thing in the world now!!!!

L x
I think I'll still take advantage of the parentcraft classes Lisa, it has afterall been nearly 13 years since I held a newborn!!!

Hayley, don't let them pressure you into breastfeeding if you have decided that it is something you don't want to do. I know it is natural, and is supposed to be best, but from previous experience, it is not always the best for both mother and baby. My daughter latched on immediately, I had no sore nipples, and she seemed to take to it great. But after 6 weeks of her feeding for 30 minutes, then sleeping for 90 minutes, then repeating this day and night, I was a walking zombie!! The first day I gave up and put her on formula, she slept from midnight to 9.10am!!!!! Breastfeeding is not for everyone. Ooh, not long for your scan now!!

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