First midwife appointment and nuts


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2006
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Does anyone know what to expect at the first midwife appointment in two weeks time? They said it would be an hour. My friend said they will go through the dos and don’ts of food etc but at 8 weeks isn’t it a little date if you’ve already had some of those foods. I thought id been really good with foods but my friend said just now that nuts were a no no and I had some brazil nuts at the weekend. Will I be ok if I stop now?

yes its ok to stop now.
I didn't find out with all of mine till after 8 weeks so it should be ok.
You will also be asked about family history, what blood tests you want to take, about breast feeding, then your blood pressure done and maybe feel your belly.

It's not all nuts only peanuts. And it's only advised because they think it may cause sensitivity if you have allergies in your family.

Brazil nuts are fine and a great source of protein so don't worry!

Just copied this from a pregnancy info site:

It is only peanuts that should be avoided by some women –- other nuts, such as brazil, hazelnuts, walnuts or cashew nuts are perfectly safe.

An allergic reaction is when the body over-responds to a particular substance: this can cause breathing problems, wheezing, skin conditions, and other symptoms. Peanut allergy is a growing problem in the UK. Approximately one in 200 four-year-old children has a peanut allergy; most children will develop the problem before their third birthday. Peanut allergy can cause a severe reaction called anaphylactic shock in which the allergic person has such trouble breathing that they die.

Before an allergy can develop, a child first has to come into contact with small traces of peanut. This initial contact sensitises the child so that she later has a severe allergic reaction when she eats peanuts or foods containing peanuts. Some experts now think that this initial sensitisation may occur during pregnancy, when a tiny amount of the peanut protein crosses the placenta, although there is no definitive evidence to prove this yet and further research is needed. However, it is because peanut allergy is an increasing problem -- and such a serious one -- that the government has advised that women with an allergic condition or who know that there is one in the family should avoid peanuts while pregnant or breastfeeding. Breastfeeding gives your baby protection against many infections; exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of your baby's life helps decrease her risk of allergies in the early years of life. However, if you eat peanuts, there is a small chance that your baby will come into contact with traces of peanut through your milk.

If you decide to avoid peanuts while pregnant or breastfeeding, you need to avoid not only peanuts themselves (which are also sometimes called monkey nuts or groundnuts), but also products which may contain them. These include:

• peanut butter

• cereals, cakes, muesli, biscuits, some salad dressings, ice cream, and breads -- always read the packaging label carefully for information on the ingredients

• dishes in restaurants -- either ask if peanuts have been included or choose a simple meal which contains no 'hidden' ingredients

Your supermarket may be able to provide you with a list of the nut-free products it produces and sells.
i wudnt worry abuot the nuts sweetie. ive just muched my way thru 2 bags of nobbys chilli nuts yummy.

my sister was really strict didnt take anything, then later on in the pregnnacy the midwife said are u or ur partner allergic to nuts, and she said no. and she said well you can have nuts then.

depends what ur first appointment is, for the length of time ur appointment is im presuming that its your booking appointment. I had my first appointment and it was only for 15 minutes i was just told what to avoid, given a bounty pack, blood pressure checked and that was more a less it.

but for u appointment im presuming its ur booking appointment. if it is then they do bloods, tests, family history, fill in the basics in ur maternity notes, calculate ur due date, palpatate ur tummy and some other basics etc.
when i was pg my midwife told me not to eat peanuts (the baby can have a reaction in the womb i think) and just to limit the amount of other nuts. I used to eat mixed nuts though - with walnuts and brazil nuts in etc. xx
at my booking in appiontments (on baby no 3 now) the midwife goes through your family history & asks quite a lot of questions about you, your partner etc.

then i had blood taken to check your iron etc, also did blood pressure & gave me my pregnancy file to take away with me.

also she booked me in for my 13 wk scan- good luck!!
the first appointments fine like everyone said they just ask alot of questions :)

everytime i have one i have to wee on a stick lol
Can't wait for booking in appointment, mines a fortnight away on the 25th july i'll be 9 weeks!!

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