early midwife appointment.....


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2007
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I phoned the midwife yesterday to book in my first appointment at 12 weeks but the midwife said they get you to come in earlier now as they take blood for heamoglobin test (sp) so i have an appointment at 9 weeks.
Did anyone else have this? and will i be able to hear baby's heartbeat by then if M/W trys to find it??
Provided our areas perate a similar policy...

I saw the cmmunity midwife at 8 weeks where she took all my details etc. My scan was at 12 weeks and I saw a midwife after that to discuss my blood results- they tested for HIV, syphillis (sp?!), Rubella immunity and Iron levels.

If this is your first baby and everything is 'normal' you then see the midwife again at about 16/18 weeks.

This is my 2nd. with ellie my 1st appointment wasnt till 12 weeks and i didnt have a scan till 20 weeks. perhaps its all changed again ???
I think so, most people are offered at dating scan around 12 weeks, although I think I read in another post on here quite recently that a dating scan wasn't offered til 20 weeks :think:

I think our areas policies are different!
My doc told me that you normally get your 1st MW appointment at around 8 - 10 weeks where she takes all your details, medical history and runs some initial tests etc. You'll be booked for a dating scan at around 11 - 14 weeks (12 is the norm), probably another MW appointment at around 16 weeks to discuss the results of the bloods and then a anomoly scan at around 20 weeks

It is different in different areas though
Hey honey :) am also under Wilts Health Authority - we live in Frome so just on the border xxx am also havin to wait til 20 weeks for a scan - with my first i had one at 8 weeks and one at 15 weeks so tis quite strange this time around. I had me bookin in appointment with the midwives last week and won't see them again til a fortnight today for blood test results (they took full bloods and tested for sdt's too as standard last week) and for hearin the heartbeat - can't wait hehe!
Where abouts in wiltshire are you hun?
Loadsa Love Sarah xxx
hi fly :wave:
im just in westbury so not very far away at all.
Its so silly its all different for every area, the NHS should make it the same for everyone its not fair :x :cry:
im sure it will come round too fast anyway
oooh :wave: ello neighbour hehe :wave: where you thinkin bout havin babby to hun?
I cant believe some of you have to wait 20 weeks for a scan. Id go mad by then!!

I had my first midwife appointment yesterday. We went through all my family history, my health and sent me off for bloods and urine test. i will then have a scan around 12 weeks. I think i then go back some time after that (got a bit lost at this point!) I think she can then listen to the heart beat.

If you cant get a scan but can scrape some pennies together i'd get a private one done.. Its worth every penny!

Claire x
probably bath hospital then get transfered to trowbridge. not to sure though as bath hospital has gone down hill a little :(
With my son I saw the doctor at 6 weeks, had my first midwife appointment at 10 weeks, scan at 13 weeks then either midwife or scan every 4 weeks or so until the end when it was every week.

I know I'll see the midwife less this time round because it's not my first baby but not sure when I'll see her for the first time. I've just made an appointment to see the doctor next Tuesday.
Huddsgirl said:
probably bath hospital then get transfered to trowbridge. not to sure though as bath hospital has gone down hill a little :(
Don't get me started on bath hospital hun lol had a bit of a rant the other day bout it as it happens :wall: I'm hopin to stay with the midwife unit in Frome but they are mutterin bout me havin to go to bath cos of previous obs history :evil:
i didnt know they had a maternity unit in frome !!!!
where abouts is that too then
:lol: @ where's that too then :D oh so nice to have a neighbour to natter too hehe.
Currently in the Victoria Hospital up Park Road honey but in June moving to the new hospital on the old Cheese Show ground ;) 4 birthing pools apparantley!! :clap:
I had my first appt at 6 weeks :shock: She didnt take blood though as it was a friday afternoon and the blood couldnt be sent away until the following week, so she asked me to come back the thursday after at 7 weeks for bloods taken.

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