First day back at work - bloody nightmare...


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2011
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Why do first days back at work after a holiday always have to be as awful as they come?? I had my first day back yesterday, and it was one of those really draining shifts where everything unpleasant that can possibly happen does happen, you get not even a five minute break, everybody is completely stressed out, and you end up having to stay an hour longer at the end of the day - as if 12 hours isn't long enough already... Aaaargh! Then on the way back the road was closed off and the diversion added another 25 minutes to my 1-hour journey home, AND for the last 30 minutes the idiot behind me had his lights on full beam so I got blinded in my rearview mirror all the time. Got home at 11 at night in a flood of tears. :-(

Sorry for the long rant, but it helps to have a good moan sometimes! ;-) Thank God I have my last long shift tomorrow, and then it's over to short shifts from next week on, woohoo!
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I really feel for you :hugs:

I'm in my 2nd week of work after an amazing holiday & am still struggling, none of the days have got any better & I wish my working life away more now then I did before

Awww I'm sorry to hear your first day back was very long and a nightmare! At least you can now look forward to shorter shifts :) love your little ladies name :) x x
Ahhhh first days back are horrible! Hopefully things perk up!
i know how you feel i do 12 hour shifts too bloody knackering i hope your next shift is better
I'm on holiday atm and have my first day back on sunday of all days! Dreading it :( xx
How rubbish! I hate people who drive with there lights on full beam! I had to start at 5.30 this morning and im so tired i could cry :( xx
Had my first day back in London today (have been travelling with work whole of August) walked into chaos this morning, still here now and will be here for a few hours yet i'm sure - rubbish day! Always hits you the hardest when you have had a few days off... Just to top it off one of the other girls who works with me has just announced she is preggers too - there are only 3 of us who work for this family (one is a bloke) and my boss has hit the roof! She is now pissed off with both of us! Ahhhh, the joys of work :-)
Had my first day back in London today (have been travelling with work whole of August) walked into chaos this morning, still here now and will be here for a few hours yet i'm sure - rubbish day! Always hits you the hardest when you have had a few days off... Just to top it off one of the other girls who works with me has just announced she is preggers too - there are only 3 of us who work for this family (one is a bloke) and my boss has hit the roof! She is now pissed off with both of us! Ahhhh, the joys of work :-)

Oh dear, that doesn't sound nice. Hope you get to go home soon. Roll on maternity leave!!
I'm on holiday atm and have my first day back on sunday of all days! Dreading it :( xx

Hope you'll be the exception that proves the rule and have a really good first day back... Enjoy the rest of your holidays!
It sucks when you walk into a load of crap straight after a holiday. I always felt that it was a punishment for taking time off. Here's to mat leave for all of us.

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