Why do first days back at work after a holiday always have to be as awful as they come?? I had my first day back yesterday, and it was one of those really draining shifts where everything unpleasant that can possibly happen does happen, you get not even a five minute break, everybody is completely stressed out, and you end up having to stay an hour longer at the end of the day - as if 12 hours isn't long enough already... Aaaargh! Then on the way back the road was closed off and the diversion added another 25 minutes to my 1-hour journey home, AND for the last 30 minutes the idiot behind me had his lights on full beam so I got blinded in my rearview mirror all the time. Got home at 11 at night in a flood of tears. 
Sorry for the long rant, but it helps to have a good moan sometimes!
Thank God I have my last long shift tomorrow, and then it's over to short shifts from next week on, woohoo!

Sorry for the long rant, but it helps to have a good moan sometimes!

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