First cycle using cbfm, any other users??


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2011
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So this is my first month using the clearblue monitor, and so far so good!

I'm so chilled this month its refreshing! And i think its coz i'm not messing about peeing on 4 sticks a day and guessing what the lines mean!

I pee a day, pop in the stick and the machine does the work easy peasy!

I'm now on CD 12 and got my first high reading, which is about right as i'm due to ov around CD 15-17.

Gonna be bd'ing every other day during the high and every day of the peak reading plus us c+ on those days, maybe i'll catch the eggy, if not i'm having fun using this little machine! :lol:

How's everyone else getting on with using there monitor or opks??!
Hi lovely,

I'm giving it a rest this month and being chilled for next couple of cycles, however I used the CBFM for last two cycles.

First cycle I got high and 2 peak days, but apparently not everyone does on their first cycle. I got only highs last cycle and no peak at all, despite getting +ve opk's, so it missed my surge last cycle.

I know what you mean about no fuss, but I'd back it up with some opk's if I were you to incase you don't get a peak, that way you won't miss your surge.xx
I looked at the prices of the CBFM and couldn't justify it! not yet anyway, only just off pill at the beginning of May, but if I get any more confused with the stupid strip opks I may well invest!

I have just started testing for this cycle, started on cd7 as i haven't a clue how long anything will be, and had 2 very negative tests and today a line that is almost as dark as the control, which I wasn't expecting - I usually ov on day 19 of my cycle ! so am hoping this is not the surge beginning - as we cannot BD at the mo, as DH has a broken rib,,,,,,
As you know I'm using mine, I'm on cd 11 and have got my second high reading, we bd yesterday and we are going to try and dtd every other day, I really cannot manage everyday. This is now I'm 14th cycle so I really hope I get somewhere. Good luck honey x
Hi hun this is my 3rd month using CBFM.
I do like how it takes the guess work out of TTC a little. We've followed it completely over the last few months but no BFP as yet, not planning on giving it up though. This month going to use digi OV stick few days before expected OV so I can be double sure I don't miss the surge!
Good luck with you're monitor I hope it brings ur BFP soon.
X j
When I got my ad yesterday I decided to go online to buy one...But gutted to see you had to start using it on day one of your cycle! I have some clear blue digies which I will have to make do with this month (never used them properly before) I'm thinking to start on day 10? My cycle is 26-29 days. However I shall be splashing out on the monitor before af is due next month so that if it does come I will be all set to go with the monitor! Look forward to hearing how you get on with yours. Fingers crossed for you :) xx
i used it for 3 cycles, the first i got 5 high days and 2 eggy days, the other 2 i got 3 high days and 2 eggy days :)
I'm on my 6th high day today wtf is going on?
Hi ladies,

Sorry i havent been about....i have no excuse!

I'm loving my little machine! I've been so laid back i actually forgot to test on CD15! Luckly i didnt mis my 'peak' as i got it today. I'm actually suprised i got it today CD17 as usually when i do the digi opks i start getting them on CD16.Any how we bd last night and will do tonight i expect.

Poppy when you used the normal opks what CD did you usually get you first positive opk? Like i mentioned above i usually got mine on CD16 but this cycle its CD17. So i'm thinking maybe the clearblue monitors aren't as sensitive as the digi's or strips? Also its worth noting not all women get a 'peak' reading the first cycle of using it. But i'm sure your 'peak' is on its way, just hold tight and relax a little.

I think i'm at the point now where i think it'll happen when it happens x x x
Hi honey hope your ok. I'm on cd 16 today so I hope I get my peak soon! Last month I got 2 positive :) on day 13 and 15 but the month before was cd17 so fingers crossed I will get it in the morning. Get bding tonight and tomorrow xxxxx
Hi poppy,

Sorry to hear your having trouble with your monitor. How long are your cycles? Mine have gone from 19 days to 30 days over the last 2 years and I expect this cycle to be about 31-32 days got my peak yesterday and today. If you suffer with odd cycles it could just be that your ov'ing later this month? I 'expected' a peak reading on cd16 for me but it came a day late. So your lastest positive opk was cd17 you could get your peak tomorrow?! I know its hard but try not to worry about it, stress can interfer with ovulation. And don't forget there could be a chance your monitor doesn't pick up ov this month, but it doesn't mean your not ov'ing so listen to your body and don't forget to bd!! Good luck for tomorrow x x x
Thank you, I really hope I get my peak soon but I keep bd just encase. I'm giving myself this cycle and one more and if no luck I'm off to the doctors I have decided! Hope your doing ok x
Am reading your thread with interest as if this cycle does not work my friend is giving me her cbfm to try. Hope all going well for you this cycle. x

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Hi crazycatlady!

I can't stress enough how easy the clearblue monitor has been for me! It picked up on both my positive opk days, all be it a day late lol Luckly i've had no problems and i'm very happy as i didnt expect anything this month! Hopefully you wont need the monitor, but if you do have fun, its a great little machine! x x
Thank you, I really hope I get my peak soon but I keep bd just encase. I'm giving myself this cycle and one more and if no luck I'm off to the doctors I have decided! Hope your doing ok x

Hi poppy,

Just thought i'd pop on and see if you've had any luck with your monitor, i hope the silence means you got your peak day over the weekend! Best of luck x x x
Hi Hun, glad you got your positive and your getting on ok, are you in your 2ww now? Still no positive for me now on cd19 so I assume it has not picked it up this month as I have never ov'd this late before x
Ah thats crap hun, have you had any signs of ov? Hopefully the bd'ing you've been doing will have caught the eggy!! How long do you expect this cycle to be? Hopefully you'll have a better cycle next month, thats if you need it x

I'm now 2dpo i think, got my peaks on cd17 and 18, high reading on cd19 and low reading today cd20, i'm assuming the machine will stop asking me for sticks now.

X x X x
I think it asks for sticks in bundles of 10 bit I'm not sure. I'm cd20 now and still not had a peak I was showing as high this morning. I had some ewcm in cd11 and 12 I usually get this 4 days before I get a :) on my digis but didn't do them this month. I have bd every 2 or 3 days so I hope I have done enough. Good luck hun hopefully neither of us will have to use it for another month!! X

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