First b/feed after birth


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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I am planning on breastfeeding and have written into my birthplan that I would like maximum amount of skin to skin contact and would like to feed as soon as possible. This maybe a really stoopid question, but is your milk there already? I know that colastrum (sp?) is produced first, but I keep worrying that I will try to feed my baby and s/he will suck and suck and nothing will come out! Also I havnt had leaky boobs yet and a few of my friends at the same stage as me have which isnt helping!

Please put my mind at rest all you b/feeding mummies!


That first feed is about bonding not feeding hun. Don't worry about your baby getting anything at all. The chances are they will get some colostrum but even if they dont it doesn't matter at all. It will come! Just put baby on your breast and help them to latch. Enjoy your cuddle, marvel at the miracle you just gave birth to and leave all the worry for another day sweetie.

Thea didn't manage to latch on at all the first time because she was too nosey and just wanted to stare at everything :rotfl: Nearly 7 months later our breastfeeding is still going strong.
You need them to suck to stimulate the colostrum and milk. Even if they don't get anything off that time. We had a lot of trouble latching on to start with. The MW weren't much help, but they did reccomend the breastfeeding support group and they were fantastic. They realised the problem with latching was due to me having flat nipples and they showed me an easy technique for drawing the nipple out.
phew - thanks! now I know that it doesnt matter if no milk comes out that is ok, its just one of those things not that widely known. I understrand now, its more about letting the body know that your baby is here and will be needing some food soon!

I'm a bit of an info addict, I like to be as prepared as poss, so now I;m not going to worry, I'm just going to relax and enjoy it and put my baby to my breast and go with the flow (literally!)
Thanks ladies

I agree just relax and let things happen it willall turn out in the end
ditto what everyone else said. Your baby needs to suck to stimulate your supply, so when it seems that they are doing nothing but feed in the early days it is because they are actually very clever and are getting your body to respond to them.
Enjoy your baby, relax, find a good breast feeding counsellor and/or group and come here when you need support. Good luck :hug: :hug: :hug:
SarahB said:
ditto what everyone else said. Your baby needs to suck to stimulate your supply, so when it seems that they are doing nothing but feed in the early days it is because they are actually very clever and are getting your body to respond to them.
Enjoy your baby, relax, find a good breast feeding counsellor and/or group and come here when you need support. Good luck :hug: :hug: :hug:


I am getting very excited now cant wait to meet my little one, then come on here and post some more!!

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