First AF since stopping pill


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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Hi Girls. Just got my first AF since stopping the pill and gutted! I know that it's very unlikely to conceive after only a month of trying and also first month off the pill and TTC but i'm a bit gutted still - does anyone else feel like this.
I'm pleased that i can now start to work out my cycle etc but a small part of me was still hoping that it wouldn't arrive and we would be lucky in TTC. Also not enjoying all the hormone chaos that having a natural cycle without any pill to regulate it can bring!!!!!! Now that i know everyting is working again (I hope) any advice for this month as we can TTC properly now!:dance:
Hi, well hopefully at least you'll be able to get to know your cycle from now on (hopefully not for long though) Maybe it'll just a wee bit of time for your bod to get back into the swing of things xx
when i came off the pill 3 days later i had a period but it didnt get back to normal till 2 months after stopping :( and ive been TTC since october :(
I only had one proper af before conceiving afte 13 years on different pills with a two month break a couple of years back. We weren't counting days or tracking or anything like that, in fact we thought it would take more like a year. I guess we were very lucky, but it is possible. Don't stress too much though, you're body works best when you are more relaxed (I know easier said than done!!!!) Good luck!!! And have fun trying :)
Someone said to me on the Forum Yesterday , That stress dosen't really affect anything but i dont see how this can be true, because smoking stresses blood out so anger must too :(
When i first came off the pill, dianette, i didnt ovulate or have a period for nine months!!! Good job we werent ttc at the time, i just came off bc because sex drive plumetted, and i kinda wanted to know what the recovery time would be when the time became right. The main thing is, the witch is back, and, if its any comfort, mine became as regular as clockwork after coming off bc, whereas before they were all over the place. Good luck and babydust xXx
When i first came off the pill, dianette, i didnt ovulate or have a period for nine months!!! Good job we werent ttc at the time, i just came off bc because sex drive plumetted, and i kinda wanted to know what the recovery time would be when the time became right. The main thing is, the witch is back, and, if its any comfort, mine became as regular as clockwork after coming off bc, whereas before they were all over the place. Good luck and babydust xXx

Mine was allover the place before Cerazette , Now they are to the minute lol x

Beanster can I ask how long your 1st AF took to come? I've been waiting 47 days so far and getting a wee bit frustrated lol.

I was only on Microgynon for 11 months. It's amazing how different we all are when we come off of birth control! lol

love & babydust to everyone

Claie xx
Hi Clairebear.
I've been on microgynon since I was 18 (now 35 so way too many years to count!!!) I stopped on 1st January this year (just happened to be the end of my pack not cos of the new year!) , had a normal break time bleed straight after as usual. Just started AF yesterday so it took about 23 days between the end of last one after pil and the start of this one. Don't know if this is how they will be after this time or if my cycle will still be all over the place. Had lots of strange feelings for quite a while before it started though - weepy, hot, sore boobs, stomach cramps etc. This one is a lot heavier than they ever were before and have been quite pathetic and girlie for the last 2 days - good thing that my hubby is so understanding and lovely.
Have you been TTC while you are waiting for your cycle to start again?
Hi Beanster

We haven't been TTC as such but we haven't been careful at all either lol. I've done 3 HPT's now the last 1 being last Wednesday so i'm definatly not pregnant which we were totally expecting.

I know my body will get going again sometime soon it's just frustrating because I don't suffer from any AF symptoms so I never know whe she is on her way!! I'd usually say 'lucky me' but this time I want at least some of the symptoms! lol

Thanks for messaging back!

Love & babydust

Hi Clarebear,

I stopped taking Dianette after 10 years and I've been waiting 41 days for my first AF, I might go to the doctors and chat to them but I think they will just tell me to be patient!

Like you I have done 2 HPTs to be sure but both were negative.

I'll let you know what they say if I go to the doctors.

Love and babydust

Maybe baby x

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