First 2WW in a while, nervous!

Hi Evaki, im also in my 2WW. Its my first since MC in Jan so im extra nervous! Ive also had EWCM aswell! Im testing on 3rd April which just happens to be Mothers day! Good Luck FX for you xx
Oh, wow, it would be so wonerful to get a BFP on mothers day! Best of luck to you!

Thanks hunni :)

Try not to drive yourself too bonkers with all the symptom spotting xxx

Yeah.. I know.. it's difficult not to though!
Today for instance I noticed my left nipple is darker than my right (it's darker than I remember any of them being, but the fact that it's different means it's changed at least..) The difference is big enough for my husband to see it too!

Now let's see what tomorrow will bring :) :P
so, today I still have the same as before, a little more zits, and in addition to this my nipples are more sensitive and I need to go to the bathroom more often I think, even when I don't drink. My stomach is even more bloated and there are many strange feelings there, that I don't really know how to describe. I haven't been able to restrain myself and have taken pregnancy tests with fmu today, yesterday, and even the day before, and so far only negative (but that is to be expected only 7-8 dpo!
I just want to know as soon as possible :P I have internet cheapies so I'll keep testing my fmu until bfp or af!
good luck petal....have everything crossed for you xx
I'm kind of nauseous too. But it's not really nausea, it's more like my stomach is full, not as in after eating, but as in stuff could easily come out... I "burp" but they're not burps, more like vomit in my mouth but without the vomit. Also the preassure in my lower abdomen is more prominent today. I know it's mostly too early for any symptoms at all, and that hcg causes most symptoms, so generally you shouldn't have too many symptoms until a hpt can pick up the hcg levels in your body, but I have read that the release of progesterone during implantation can cause some symptoms like acne etc, and that would be symptoms you can have before you might get a bfp, so this is all very exciting :P

It's also just the fact that I've gone through quite a lot of personal changes lately, it just feels like I've been "prepared", that I am more ready to be a mother now than before, and I know that I could be very wrong about that, but I can't help but feel like I'm going to be a mother soon! (whether I am pregnant now or in a few months)

I've lookedat hpt statistics, and most pregnant women get a positive by 14dpo, so I'll stay quite hopeful until next Sunday or Monday, but if I don't get two lines by then I'll just wait for af I think.
I've had sooome shooting pains in my chest and lower abdomen today as well (once), and I also just now discovered a zit on the side of my calf of all places. That's kind of random! (Or is it? :P) It could be that I can see an extremely faint line on my dip test, but it's so faint there's no point in taking a picture, I'm sure my husband wouldn't see it and if it actually is there I guess it's evap cause I only saw it after 10 min has passed.

So, to sum up 8dpo:
slight nausea, more acne, nipples tender, some mild shooting pain in lower abdomen and breasts, plus as previous days stuffy nose, sore throat, fatigue and some nosebleed, (virus) oh, and darkening of left areola. I still have a slight fever, and I know a raised bbt can be a sign, but since I'm sick we can write that off. Also bloating and today rather than being constipated it's been a bit on the loose side... sorry tmi.

Anyway, it's late now, so we'll see what tomorrow will bring!

(I keep logging in here thinking that that will somehow make me more pregnant or suddenly let me know whether I am or not. I mean, I know of course it won't but it's like I'm thinking that maybe my thread will say I'm pregnant or something. Doesn't make any sense, and I sound like a looney, and I know that I don't actually think that, but still... it's like I wish I could know already and feel that being on here or reading about stuff online could somehow give me more answers, when of course all I can do is wait and see.
Bless ya, you sound like you have every symptom going! Try and leave it 3/4 days before you test again and you never know you might get the result your waiting for, FX xxx
Great post Hun, I hope this is it for you!

I have a theory on the left nipple thing, do you think t mat be because it's closer to your heart? It might get a bit more blood flow.

I'm testing around the same time as you and Sunny well I think the 3rd at the earliest anyway OPKs have been a bit crazy so not too sure on exact date!

So far my only symptom is a little bit of heartburn, just a warm feeling in my chest.

Lots of babydust to you!

Bless ya, you sound like you have every symptom going! Try and leave it 3/4 days before you test again and you never know you might get the result your waiting for, FX xxx

Thank you, but
Too late! Tested again this morning :P (8-10dpo I think, and only 1 line as far as I can see) I do have a lot of symptoms, but they're all mild, and I do have a virus.. so.. you never know. I see the dark nipple as a promising symptom though!
Great post Hun, I hope this is it for you!

I have a theory on the left nipple thing, do you think t mat be because it's closer to your heart? It might get a bit more blood flow.

I'm testing around the same time as you and Sunny well I think the 3rd at the earliest anyway OPKs have been a bit crazy so not too sure on exact date!

So far my only symptom is a little bit of heartburn, just a warm feeling in my chest.

Lots of babydust to you!


Awww thank you, this warmsmy heart :) Didn't know there was aleft nipple thing, is it normal for that one to go darker?? But yeah, I guess it could have to do with being close to the heart, no clue :P

crossing my fingers for you and Sunny, would be great if at least one of us can get a bfp! :D

Lot's of babydust for everyone :D
Soo.. today prob 9dpo, or 8, possibly 10.

Mostly same as before, but a little less preassure and weird feelings in my lower abdomen. Nipples migh be getting bigger, hard to tell..

Breast a bit more tender all over today, but that is to be expected around this time before af anyway.

Might have some more nausea like feelings today... again, kind of like the food doesn't go all the way down, and some air coming up, not in a "burp" way (really don't know if there is a name for that.. :P

also had a headache for a short while, and I do think I have more saliva than usual, but could easily be wrong about that.

I realise not all of these things are necessarily symptoms, but trying to track everything will help me relax if I'm NOT pregnant and experiencing similar things in 2ww's later!

Will take a new hpt tomorrow, I know it's still early, but I've looked at many statistics so I'm managing to not stress or worry about the bfn's, I just want to see my bfp as soon as I can! :P

Sorry to read about the witch catching up with so many on the 2ww thread :(

But lot's of:dust:for everyone she hasn't caught up with yet!!
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Going to sleep now! POAS tomorrow morning! :)
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Last night I dreamt I got a bfp! It was a weeeird dream. Actually I dreamt I had taken POASed and left the hpt on the bathroom shelf and forgotten about it, and then my mom had found it and it had two lines, and she had told the rest of my immediate family and some close friends, and suddenly everyone knew but me! Was a strange dream..

When I woke up this morning and went to the bathroom I got a nosebleed, had a slight head ache, was kind of nauseous (could be from the nosebleed :P) and my back hurts the way it usually does before my period. Having that kind of back pain made me think I'm probably not pregnant and that I'll get my period in a couple of days. (Should get it 30th or 1st or around there). Took a cheapie test and saw nothing, BUT I looked at it again a while later (I know I shouldn't) and it's definitely something there! But it could be evap or something... I took some pictures and I've played with the contrast and shadows etc and the camera picked up something!

What do you all think???
It's just a shade, but it's something, isn't it???!

So I'm very curious to see what tomorrow will bring! (I've made a rule for myself not to use more expensive tests until my period is due, or until I get a faint positive within 5-10 min after dipping)

My stomach is still a bit upset, as in I get some air coming up from time to time, but not in a "burp" way, is there a name for that? :P

And my lower abdomen feels really tight, and if I try to tighten lower abdomen/suck in it kind of hurts and makes me feel slightly nauseous.

Boobs and nipples seem to be same size, not particularly sore, and nipples look the same as yesterday.

I might be going to the doctor today or tomorrow to get a "sick note" for uni so maybe I can hand in an essay later since I've had a fever for a week, so then I can ask to get a test done there maybe! But I guess I should have a faint positive or be late for my period for them to take a test. It seems they're quite reluctant otherwise from what I've read from others (Which is understandable tbh...)

crossing my fingers!

Oh, btw, do any of you know if it's bad to have painkillers at this stage if you are pregnant?? Because I don't want to hurt a potential beanie in any way, but at the same time the painkillers help me get on with my studying since I'm still a bit sick... Any advice??


And as always, lots of :dust: :dust: for everyone!
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theres deffo a line there. is it pinky or grey. hope its your bfp. xx
:) Thank you!

And I honestly can't tell. In some light it looks kind of pinky purply, but in other light it's more transparent, almost like a dent, or gray as a shadow. In some light I can't even see it at all. It's extremely, extremely faint, but still there unlike on any previous tests I've taken this cycle! So that combined with some of my other symptoms I think there's a chance I might get my bfp soon!
hey babes! just reading up on all ive missed!! this sounds soo promising!! and i defo see a line :) :yay: hope this is it for you!! im tryin not to test until the 1st :wall:
i havent got any symptoms other than pulling in lower abdomen for last 2 days
we only BD a cuple of times this month.. been trying to just forget about it
thinking 'if its meant to happen. it will' ! well.. sending u heaps of :dust:
and keep us updated :flower: x
Thank you girls!

Sooo.. todays update:

more nausea than before, but still very little.
Less cramping in lower abdomen, but a very tight feeling, it's almost as if it's uncomfortable to stand up straight.
A little head ache and I've gotten dizzy when standing up quickly.

I noticed I have some acne on my chest as well.

The pms type cramps I felt in the morning didn't come back at all, so I'm hoping that is a good sign!

I ended up not being able to wait and took a first response test, and pretty much nothing there. Could be an extremely extremely faint line, but hard to tell. I don;t like that those lines are so thin! Makes them a bit harder to spot :P

I'll definitely not use my other one until I either have a clear faint positive on the cheapies, or if I don't have my period by monday or something like that.

I just hope I can know before april 1st, would be a really cool prank! :P

And of course, it would be simply amazing to know I'm pregnant. :)
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Soo. today is cd 35, no af, no bfp. I noticed light yellow cm when wiping, and "got a sample" from from outside cervix (sorry tmi) and there was a tiny bit of blood. Hoping it is due to bd'ing yesterday or maybe even late implantation bleeding? I could be between 11-16dpo I think. Hoping it's not the start of AF! If it is late implantation bleeding that could explain the bfn's I've had so far!

It is likely I ovulated later this month (and that explains why I'm 5 days "late") because I had a big hand in at uni right about the time I was about to ovulate, stayed up for over 33 hours straight working on the hand in etc. So... there's still hope I hope! :P

Ordered a bunch of new cheapies online today, so I can save my more expensive clear blues for when I get a faint positive.

Reading online it seems vey unlikely that I am pregnant, but I just feel like I am! Other times I've think I've been pregnant it's been a more desperate hope, now I'm not that worried about the bfn's cause I just think they're wrong... has anyone had this happen to them and actually been pregnant? :)
considering that I don't really know when I ovulated and that I often have irregular cycles I guess I shouldn't worry too much until it's 19days since bd'ing, (although I've bd'ed since that as well :P but at least 19 days since I THINK I ovulated. I also had ewcm 4 days after that, so maybe that was when I ovulated and not when I first had ewcm. Soo.. then I have at least until the weekend to get a bfp I guess...
well.. there's blood now. So I just have to accept defeat I guess.. :(

It COULD still be implantation bleeding, but I highly doubt it, that would be very late. BUT I didn't really know when I ovulated... :P No, it must be the witch. I guess I had a feeling this would happen seeing as I bought 75 dip strips on amazon today...

I'm just really quite sad because I really, really thought I was pregnant, and it's just kind of confusing, and I wish I could trust my gut feeling, but I guess I can't :(

The good thing that has come out of this is that my husband and I have decided to actively TTC, so I guess I'll be buying OPK's and everything now! :P And I'll be making a TTC thread/journal soon :)

But not quite yet, I'm very stubborn and I won't give in completely until I see more blood.. sorry to sound grotesque.. But so far it's not blood, just a tint of colour... but yeah, pretty sure it's the witch :(

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