Fiona's in hospital again!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Fiona txted me earlier simply saying 'gotta stay in' trying to get details off her now
Will keep you informed:

HAVE UPDATE!!! shes not in labour pheww, but she went in for check as she said she would, and they hooked her up and baby bailey's heart rate is a bit fast, she's waiting for a ecg on bailey.
But shes calm at the moment. She did send a pic though and bless her shes all strapped up and looking very poorly, poor girl.

Loves ya babes xxxx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Dear Lord she's just not having an easy pregnancy by any means eh? Send her love, hope she's not contracting's too early!! :hug:
ohh noo!!! again!??!

i hope she and baba are alright.

please send my love :hug: :hug:
Ah the poor thing give her our best when your speaking to her. Hopefully they won't keep her in too long this time and bubs will stay put for another few weeks.
Best place for them to be tho - hope she's ok :hug:
Im trying to txt her but as shes in hospital its difficult! i should think shes surrounded by doctors!
Hopefully she will get back to me and let me know whats up with her and il send her all your msgs :hug:
Oh no, bless her :( She's having such a tough time with this pregnancy.

I hope her and LO are ok :)
Poor Fiona. I hope everything settles down and she's allowed home soon. :hug:
clairescunny55 said:
hope fiona and baby are ok xx

That goes from me too. See we did all tell her to go checked out didn't we? Good Luck Fiona! :hug:
Tell her i'm thinking about her and she has my number if she needs anything
awww no! hope she is ok, let her know i am thinking of her!
aww poor her yea shes only a week or so ahead of me .

Hope her LO stays in longer as it is too early
Bless her she sure is having a tough time! Send her our love won't you?! :hug: :hug: :hug:

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