Fiona's in hospital again!

I have sent her all your love, but shes still in, they are concerned about the baby.There both ok at the moment.They want to refer her to another hospital.

Baby Bailey hang in there please, god i wish she had gone yesterday when we nagged her too poor girl! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Oh my poor thing i hope she and Lo are okay thanks for the update :hug:
Ive told her about all your messages so i think shes feeling more positive and sends her best to you all
Dont think thats very nice budge, i hate being in hospital too and discharged myself twice, i was so frightened it was unbeliveable and no one could talk sence into me either
No it would be safe for her to do so, new complications have arisen.........
they want her to go on a 24 hour heart monitor to see if they can work out whats wrong.
It seems she has had a problem about her heart before when she had bradley, they warned her about having another baby (thisis all in the txt!) but shes worried about herself as well now, its not helping shes ill as well though and her heart rate os high and so is the babys cos hers is.
Her Iron levels have dropped again.
There testing her thyroid to make sure thats all working too, and she did have some strong contractions through the night, but in her words apart from that she is good!
She's just stressed about her children because there all at her mums, plus their cousins are too.
keep me updated fi! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: Big hugs that all is ok..... sending lots of get better soon vibes and fingers crossed baby is fine and you can come out soon hun xx
oh no i just saw this... what is going on, what a night mare... i do hope she's :pray: okay :pray:

make sure you keep us updated

Latest update, there not moving her to another hospital, they wanted to move her to a different department, but her midwife wants her to stay in the midwifery unit so they csn keep a close eye on her and the baby.
Fiona sounds upbeat i txt but she sent a piccy last night of her in hospital and she looked really ill and rough. :( :( :( :( :hug:
I hope she gets better soon, im sure her n baby bailey will be fine!!

Wish she could have it easy for a while :(
:pray: :pray: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww bless her, can we see the pic? Not morbid curiousity or anything, but it might give us something to focus our positive thoughts to :hug:
Poor Fiona, what an awful time she has been having lately :hug:
Give her our best, poor girl. Hope she and Bailey are ok.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Well, i came to update you but it doesnt look like i need to as mrs_tommo22 has done a grand job.. thank you sarah, :hug:

why do ppl want to see a picture of fiona in hospital.. DO YOU NOT BELIEVE US :roll:

and budge thanks for your comments about "has she disharged herself, would appreciate unless you know the full story as to why she disharges herself, you keep your comments to yourself..

Fiona has been refered to another department at the hospital and they have been to see her today, she is having a heart scan done first thing in the morning to see if they can see any reason as to whats going on! bailey's heartbeat has settled down now, so she has been taken off monitering and baby will be monitered as normal every 2 hours for 20 mins at a time,

Fiona is quite distressed and upset with whats going on, she doesnt need to see any ones comments with what i think will upset her, ie, pics, and has she disharged herself, if anyone wants to talk to me direct then feel free to pm, and not put in this thread..

And if theres any comments as to why im posting on here, then i have finished work, thought i would be kind to update you girls as i know most of you actually are worried about her, then im going off to see her, so there you go..

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