Jazz - In Hospital Again!! **Update First Post**

Oh bless her :(
She sounds like she's in the best possible hands xx
Aww hun. Wishing all the best. Your in good hands. They will do what is best for you and your baby. I will be praying for you.
Good grief!!! Sending you lots of hugs and hope your feeling a bit better, keep us posted xxxxx
she has been put on strong antibiotics due to lack of water, she said hopefully will find out more about the section on monday!
thinking of you jazz, hope you and bean are all ok, sending big hugs to you and OH x
Thinking of you Jazz. You are in the best place to be looked after though. Good luck. Big hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Jazz has sent on her thanks for all your concerns and best wishes :) xx
Good Luck hun my friends lo was born at 34 weeks and shes fine was in hospital for 4 weeks but that was because there was a knot in the cord so your Lo will be ok:hugs: 35 weeks is really good xx
Thanks for the updates kellyhook, phew what a time she is having :( hope everything goes ok for you Jazz, I'm thinking of you and your Lo xxxxx
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Oh poor Jazz, I hope she's ok & the docs make their minds up soon what to do! :hugs: x

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