Fingers in mouth


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Sophie's just started teething I think so she's constantly got her hands in her mouth. Only problem is that she seems to have taken to making herself gag?? She shoves her fingers so far in that she gags and instead of taking her fingers out she carries on doing it, eventually takes them out and then does it again!! She does it even if I put teething gel on.

How do I get her to stop this?? Or do I just let her carry on?! I woke up this morning to find her doing it in her crib.
I'm not sure if this is teething, especially if the gel doesn't help. G is teething and if I put a finger in his mouth I can feel how hard he bites - it really hurts! No way he would be doing this to his own fingers :)

However, he also started sticking his hands in his mouth, but not when his teeth hurt. I think this is to do with him being hungry, and this is listed as one of the signs that the baby is ready for weaning. We just started giving him baby rice.... :)

As to gagging, I don't think there is anything you can do. I'm sure she will soon understand that it's her fingers that make her uncomfortable and will stop ticking them that far in :)
It won't be teething at her age. Tyler's been doing it for weeks. It's just her learning that her hands can go in her mouth and it soothes her. Watch for the excess dribble that comes with :)

Charlie started teething at 9 weeks, so could be, but its quite uncommon apparently....I have to have a weirdo haha..Charlie also does thw hands in mouth and he's on solids he does if even after a big bowl of porridge so think ita just a little habit they do x
My health visitor seems to think that she is at the beginning of teething. What I should have said is that the gel stops her whinging but doesn't stop this finger poking :(. It's such a horrible noise :(
Joshua does this too. Not to the extent of gagging but constantly has his hands in his mouth. At night time he sucks on them instead of his dummy and it's so loud! Lol. He isn't teething yet. Had a good feel and can't feel anything yet.x
Alice started doing this when she was about 10 weeks old. Now she has 2 teeth!!

We had the gagging, theres no way you can stop it but they soon learn not to gag. We had a short spell of her not shoving her fingers down her throat but she's started doing it again.

It's also the way they discover things too. Everything goes into Alice's mouth at the mo
Owen still does this now and again!!

Mum of Owen. Born 11/7/11 @ 19.17pm weighing 7lb 12 oz :)
It could well be teething Phoebe started at 9 weeks too, sucking her fist, dribbling, red cheeks and hard gums. Some babies are even born with teeth so they are never too young to start teething x
My friends LO is 16 weeks old and her first tooth is just coming through so it could be teething. Ella likes to chomp on her fingers and sometimes shoves them in too far i just have to constantly take them out, ella is going through the 'anything i see i will try to eat' phase at the mo! no more leaving things on the floor she seems to wriggle over to whatever she gets her eye on and put it in her mouth lol!
I think Angel started doing this very early too. Like one of the other ladies said I think its partly a habit they do. She did make herself gag too and she's stopped now :) Has she any other signs like red warm cheeks, irritable, drool etc? xx
She's had a bit of a temp. And has been clingy to me and generally grumpy with OH. The dribble has just seem to come with her shoving her hands in
Think your HV might be right then hun sounds like early teething to me. This is what Angels like and when its bad her little cheeks are bright red and glowy, she constantly chomps on her hands or toys but she whinges at the same time, goes off her milk and just generally grumpy. I have read somewhere that their temp can go up just a bit when they're teething, not a fever just a few degress higher than usual iykwim? This is what Angels cheeks look like lol they're even worse now

She hasnt really got as red cheeks as that but shes been a nightmare to feed! :( She will only take a small amount and then stops feeding and wont take the bottle at all and has a mini strop and falls asleep.
Stanley cut two teeth together at 16 weeks! Tbh I think thats where all this cold and fussing is coming from!

He is the same with shoving his fingers down his throat trying to choke himself but really don't think there's much you can do!!

Sounds like teething especially with the temp, has she git a sore bum?? That's another good sign :) but sore :( I do remember Stanley being fussy with his bottles though xx
Lol Drake did this to us in the middle of the night once, I've never moved so fast! So scary hearing your lo gagging on something in a pitch black room where you had been asleep the moment before! Was rather annoyed when I realised what he was gagging on.
I agree with above, all babies do it.

Did you say your LO has reflux (sorry I cant remember exactly) if i'm right, then sticking fingers in mouth & especially making themselves gag is a symptom of reflux. My first LO did it but not as bad as Kayden, who has reflux.

Nope I don't think she has reflux thankfully. She's still doing it a bit but I think the novelty and newness of finding something different with her fingers is starting to wear off. She's just chewing on her hands now rather than make herself gag and will bite down so hard if I give her my finger. Infact when shes sat on my belly upright she will grab hold of my finger and direct it to her mouth and bite down quite happily. Quite strange being gummed lol!
Its too cute when they do that. Kayden does it but his teeth are very nearly thro so it actually does hurt, even tho there's nothing sharp


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