finding out the sex???


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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I know our 20 week scans seem like they're a million miles away but how many of you intend to find out if you're in pink or blue or who's staying team green???

I said I wanted to know bu DH is adamant that he wants it to be a suprise so I think I'm coming round to the idea of staying on team green.

I'm undecided, before pregnancy I always thought I wanted to wait and for it to be a big surprise, but now that I know there's a little person in there I can't wait to find out whether it's Blue or Pink! My partner will want to wait for the surprise, but sure he can be pursuaded otherwise if I can't resist asking! :D
We both cannot wait to find out. Just posted on another thread but will ask here too, is 20 weeks the earliest you can find out?
Ani said:
We both cannot wait to find out. Just posted on another thread but will ask here too, is 20 weeks the earliest you can find out?
i was thinking this, i hope theres another way you can find out earlier lol :lol:

I always said since being a little 'un i would love to have a suprise, my mum did with both me and my i am actually pregnant i seriously cannot wait to find out!!! so i think we will defo be finding out!! :cheer:
I think you can tell from a scan from about 15 weeks but they leave it that few extra weeks so that they can be more certain.

I did want to find out but then i'd be wondering if they'd got it wrong for the next 20 weeks so I don't see the point of me finding out.
Some hospital trusts don't tell you the sex at your 20 week scan anyways. They tell you in the letter if they do or not however.
I want to know, but DH wants a suprise. We found out last time that we were having a boy, but I still wondered for the rest of the pregnancy. They can't be 100% right all of the time can they?
jenjen said:
They can't be 100% right all of the time can they?

Something like 80% accuracy. Thats why they have a disclaimer that its not 100% accurate. Covers themselves which is fair enough. Its not an exact science.
if we get to that stage i think we would find out
for lots of reasons, organising the nursery and thinking of names and also getting used to the idea of him or her. i think we would have a 4d and i wouldnt want to keep looking away- if i saw the area i think id know!
its one or the other so not a huge surprise anyway- im too impatient!!
of course they could be wrong!!
we might keep it a secret between ourselves tho!!
There is another way you can find out from as early as 5 weeks pregnant - which is a skin prick test you pay for by post. It's a genetic thing so they look for the presence of the Y chromosome in your blood. Obviously as mothers are all women, if this exists you're having a boy.

I know about this because a friend of mine had it done (a teacher) because she had so many pregnancy phobias and fears she wanted one fewer thing to obsess about. Not sure of the technique or the cost though.
I didn't find out with my son but knew i was havin a boy - he felt like a boy right from the word go.. n this one feels like a girl so who knows...I think we are gonna try n find out if we can at the scan cos we have lots of friends who have just had babies and are now wanting to pass us on clothes etc and it would be handy to be able to sort the more gender specific clothes to save space :lol:
Team green for us again this time.

I felt that I was having a boy right from the start last time, I was right but it was a 50/50 chance I would be :D

I feel very similar to how I was with my first, I'm convinced I'm having another boy.

Some people kept telling us it's easier to know for sorting out the nursery etc. but for us I can't see how knowing the sex will change any of the practicalities.

I want a surprise after all that hard work bringing him/her into the world.
Staying team GREEN at the moment!
Our NHS dont do sexing so would have to have 3or4D Scan.
We both want to know the sex of the baby. I'm so excited to find out :D
I definitely want to find out but DH is not sure this time. I had a strong feeling my first was a boy from day one and our scan at 20 weeks confirmed it. Not sure this time around although I am feeling much, much worse than last time so maybe it's a girl??!! I hope to find out!
I wanted to find out from the start, and spent up until yesterday convinced she was a boy, we found out at a private scan and the women simply said "thats a girl" no doubt in her mind, and now i love looking at pink stuff, however because i was so sure she was a boy i do still doubt the scan a little, even though i clearly saw between her legs and the women pointed out the "three lines"
they never used to tell you when we were born so her paternal grandparents didnt really want to find out but my mum was really excited about being able to buy pink or blue.
I think if u can hold out its a wonderful suprise, but im too impatient

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