Me & The OH had a talk last night...

i have alot of admiration to people who stay team yellow x
we're staying Team Yellow too, I think it will be much more fun trying to guess. OH would love a boy and I'd love a girl. He is sure it's a boy and I'm sure it's a girl, so it's funny when he calls baby him and I correct him. Finding out will take that away from us.

Team yellow all the way!!
I think if you really have a preference for a particular sex then it is a good idea to find out in case it isn't what you expected and you need some adjustment time. Me and OH don't really care (although I do suspect he's slightly more favourable towards a boy - son and heir and all that!!).
We are hoping to find out on Thursday when I go for my 20 week scan. We are both really wanting a little girl, so fx!

I love the term 'Team Yellow', and I'd not heard it until now :)

We've decided not to find out the sex of our baby. I sort of feel like you have your whole life to be treated in a certain way and have expectations made of you, so it will be nice to have our little one be free of that for a while.

I really don't mind if we have a girl of a boy, as there seems to be much more to worry about really. Sometimes I feel a bit guilty for wondering what sex we'll have when there are so many more important things to worry about. Saying that though, this is our first baby and so we don't yet feel the desire to experience things from both sides.

We've had 3 scans where they've offered to tell us the sex and i've just about managed to refuse each time and stay team yellow!.. I so nearly caved at our 20 week scan but OH put his foot down and said i would regret finding out because he knows i want a suprise as much as him. We both think it's a boy and call it him anyway, but honestly don't mind if its a girl or boy and can't wait till LO is here to find out. I couldn't have found out and not told OH it would have been impossible.

Nursery is unisex colours anyway and i'm all for keeping LO like a newborn for as long as possible, in sleepsuits not jeans and hoodys so colours haven't mattered to much. Have bought lots of beige and white clothes from next which are all lovely.

I think it changes throughout pregnancy because at the start i was desperate to know then as it got closer i changed my mind. :)
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Right! Its sorted im staying Team Yellow! U have all made such good points and my OH now loves u all 4 changing my mind!

Im really looking 4ward to the suprise!! FX this is my sticky bean xxxxx
We are team yellow!

Had our 20 week scan yesterday and I have been stuck in limbo land for the past week abput finding out LO's gender.... Hubby was adament he didn't want to know but left it to me to make my own decision.

I'm so glad we don't know now (I know it's only been a day!) but we have a healthy little baby growing inside me and the thought of going through the hard labour phase then hubby letting me know what we have is now really exciting.

I think I let my control overide my true feelings.... The nursery is going to be a warm creamy colour, with white furniture and LO will be fine in white outfits until we either head out and get some gender specific clothes or our families (we both have big families) bring us presents.

Both hubby and I have a feeling that we are having a boy and we bothe thought we saw boy bits yesterday during the scan. Time will tell!!

The only thing that is a definite in my birth plan is that my hubby is going to find out what we've had first and tell me after the birth - think that moment is going to be worth every single impatient moment of being team yellow!!
I agree with you! I bonded so much from 20 weeks last time that there's no way I won't find out this time! I want another boy, so if it's a girl I need lots of preparation emotionally! You can name them and enjoy all the imagining so much earlier! Who needs a surprise! It's the best day of your live! Not knowing the sex doesn't make it any better!

Make a pregnancy ticker
We will be team yellow too.
Apart from a couple of clothes, you don't need to buy a wardrobe full until its born anyway. And, most people buy you clothes once you have given birth too.
we stayed team yellow with both my boys and will definately be doing the same again this time. We had the names Oliver and Amelia all ready with my second LO and nothing beats the moment when the M/W asked my hubby "so is it an Oliver or an Amelia"? The look on my hubbys face when he looked and proudly said -"It's an Oliver"!!!! Absolutely magical!! Makes me well up just thinking about it lol.

I completely see the reasons why people want to find out but we didnt mind just buying a few neutral bits, gave us something else to look forward to a shopping spree afterwards. One of my midwives once said "it's like knowing what you're getting for xmas before you unwrap it", I totally agree lol xx
My OH doesn't want to know, and although I do want to know I know I wouldn't be able to keep the gender to myself so would risk him being inadvertently told.

So I am enforced Team Yellow :(
We can't wait to find out.....I'm rubbish with things like that! If OH hadn't wanted to know I would have been freaking out but thankfully he's as excited as me! Admire team yellow players though...just not for us! X
You guys have convinced me that we're going to stay team yellow too. I'm so impatient normally, and such a control freak, that for once I am going to resist the urge to have everything planned and prepared for, and go with nature's surprise.

Thanks girls! :D
Me too! Just done Chinese gender thing and I did it for Sam my first and it correctly said boy, so then I did it for this time around and it's a boy! Phew! The other one I took the other day said girl (lunar age is apparently two years older than actual) and I wasn't too thrilled - girls are way too complicated for me! Glad it was wrong and I can continue to 20 weeks in blissful delusion ;)

We will stay team yellow! Again.....
Was a great surprise with Joshua! I can't wait!! Xxx

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