Finding out the sex


Oct 26, 2011
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My boyfriend is adamant he wants to know the sex of the baby but I really don't want to know he's not backing down and saying he's going to find out at our second scan but just won't tell me and I keep feeling really emotional about it and upset but he doesn't understand how much it means to me to have a nice surprise on the day! Am I being unreasonable??
Its silly one of you finding out and not the other because no doubt somewhere along the way it will let slip. Tell him no, and if he asks at the scan say no. The sonographer wont do it unless you give the ok. Dont think you are being unreasonable at all i had 2 "suprises" and it was a great feeling giving birth to an unknown gender. xx
Its the other way round for me! I'm desperate to find out what i'm having but OH doesn't want to know but I need to know the sex as I have put a deposit down on a pram and need to contact them before Christmas to let them know what colour I wnt (boys colour or girls colour). Its going to be very tricky keeping it from him! Your not being unreasonable at all! I always said I didn't want to know and wanted it to be a suprise but now I can't wait to know! Can the sonographer not write it down for him so you wont have to see?
The sonographer won't do it unless you say so sweetie. X
it's completely your decision if you find out or not. If you say you don't want to know then they won't tell you, whether he says yes to knowing or not
My hubby wanted to know but i didn't, sonographer said if the women doesn't want to know she won't tell either of us. Think hubby is happy we didn't find out now anyway xx
We didn't find out, and that's because I didn't want to know. My hubby did, and used every trick he could to get around me. But we don't know, and I am really, really happy we don't know. It makes it more exciting, when people ask, do you know what you are having, and then have a guess.

You do what is right for you, because one you know, you know.

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