Finding out the Sex?


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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How soon did the other mums find out the sex of their baby? ive read that its best done at 18-20 weeks but read some found out as early as 12-13 weeks!
I think the baby is going to be a boy ,but the other half thinks its a girl! im itching to find out!
( oh and while im at it,im not really getting the hang of this ticker buisness, can anyone tell me how to dispaly it as a signature? thanks :) )
i think they are only allowed to tell you from your 20 week scan, and its only at certain hospitals.
unless you pay for it privately and then i'm not sure when they can tell from!
I asked at my 20wk scan, but they wont tell you for certain as there not allowed too.

But I asked and they said they thought it was a boy and it was!!!!
Good job I brought blue clothes!!! :roll:
i found out after id given birth. Its more exciting and im old fashioned like that.

I firmly believe that hospital scans should just be carried out to check for fetal abnormalities.
I thought that they couldn't tell via a scan until 16 weeks?

I'm not finding out this time am looking forward to the surprise :cheer:
I asked at my 20 week scan and all the hospital would say is that they thought the baby might be a girl. We had the sex confirmed (yup girl) at our 3d scan!
i think after about 16 weeks its possible to tell, as thats when they get their external sexual organs.

i found out at the 20 week scan. its quite fun guessing and the anticipation, but the not knowing was killing me and i HAD to know! if my LO had his legs crossed i would have paid for a private scan. Thankfully he was pleased to show us what he had to offer :D

next time i'm gonna leave it as a surprise i was so impatient i wanted to know..actually i might get impatient next time!

next time i'm hoping for some pink dust..then i wont have to give birth ever again (unless i get broody again when baby#2 is growing up.)
I didn't find out :lol:

I think the surprise at the end is well worth the wait.

As far as I know they will tell you at your 20week scan.

Some hospitals in certain areas will not tell you at all though for ethical reasons :)
I found out at 20 weeks scan, and wasnt really sure, but had scan at 36 weeks and found out for sure it was a boy!!! :cheer:
I found out when I was 19 weeks. They said on my scan letter don't ask the sex because you won't be told. The bloke asked me if we wanted to know so I said yes and he said looks like a boy to me and it was :D I'd find out again if I have another one. Easier to be prepared instead of just having white stuff :lol:
Agreed, it's usually at the 20 week scan that you find out and it depends on your hospitals policy.

I personally didn't want to find out the sex. From the start I had a feeling it was a boy and often referred to he/him and my instincts proved to be right.

I don't think I'd find out for my second either. So many people told us it would be much easier if we'd found out the sex but I failed to see how it would make things easier for us. The room was decorated neutrally and we didn't buy many clothes as we knew we'd receive lots as gifts. Plus the next sale was shortly after he was born so I bought lots in the sale.

It's a personal choice though. :D
We went for our 20 week scan and the cord was between baby's legs!!
The sonographer didnt seem to keen to tell us anyhow well thats what I think in hine sight. We are having a 4D in 10 days so will ask then but its unlikely the cord would of moved.
Bagpuss17 said:
Agreed, it's usually at the 20 week scan that you find out and it depends on your hospitals policy.

I personally didn't want to find out the sex. From the start I had a feeling it was a boy and often referred to he/him and my instincts proved to be right.

I don't think I'd find out for my second either. So many people told us it would be much easier if we'd found out the sex but I failed to see how it would make things easier for us. The room was decorated neutrally and we didn't buy many clothes as we knew we'd receive lots as gifts. Plus the next sale was shortly after he was born so I bought lots in the sale.

It's a personal choice though. :D

I was the same, convinced from day 1 baby was a girl and she was :dance: . I bought a few basics in creams, whites etc and we had lots of girl clothes as presents. Plus we would have decorated the room neutral anyway as I am not a fan of pink and blue, and the rest of my house is neutral so it fitted in. I won't be finding out next time either, I personally found it exciting and I know my family did too as it was a surprise. But it is personal choice.
We've decided to wait, I get impatient but I'd rather have a surprise at the end I think.

OH is convinced it's a boy, and I keep accidently referring to him as 'he' so who knows!!!
Nurse at our 20 week scan said its going to be a girl. Got our 4D scan on the 16th of Sept, so will try to confirm gender. I like to find out before birth, cuz I'm always excited to start buying pink or blue baby things!
I couldn't wait to find out! I was convinced I was having a boy and so was everyone else so I couldn't be more surprised when I was told she's a girl and kept making the sonographer double check! I'm so excited that she's a girl now and we have named her Leorah and she's part of the family already :D
after i had my scan today, i asked to midwife if she would tell me the sex at my 20 week scan, she said yes if it was possible and the baby wasnt in an awkward position :dance: . however she did also tell me that Aberdeen hospital was starting to refuse to tell parents the sex of their baby with an ultrasound :| . Just a little warning incase any mummies are getting scans in Aberdeen .
They can tell from week 12 but more accurate at week 13 and near 100% at week 20 hence why you have to wait until then. With DD you had scans at 20 weeks and 32 weeks so I found out at the latter.

I'm having a private scan on saturday so will find out at 18 weeks ;)

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