Financial Info - sorry I know its a bit boring!


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Jul 15, 2007
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What benefits am I entitled to on the birth of my baby (family credit, tax credit etc.etc)

and - when do you start applying for it, before the birth or after.

Also, I'm gonna be a single parent, but the father will support his child. Is it best to do things legally through the CSA (or whatever it's called now) or can you keep any payment between you and the father? What are the payments based on, what sort of percentage of pay would a father be expected to pay towards the upkeep of his child?

Thank you so much
you can get child benenfit. apply after the birth

i hate the CSA so i can't advise you use them. try and come to some amicable agreement with the father in person.

as for other benefits you will have to ask. i have never claimed any so i do not know.
You will be intilted to income support, child benefit and child tax credit. You should also get milk tokens on this which come in handy. I can't comment on the CSA cos I've only heard bad about them but I don't think you will have a choice if you get income support.
I'm on income support and you have to go thru the Csa you don't have a say in it :?

I find it works out better that way... as its all calculated by them :)
I havent had any child support all year, CSA still trying to trace ex again for the umpteenth time. They even asked if DD could ask him where he works now :doh:
Quick question - how can income support insist on the csa being involved if you dont tell them the name of baby's father? Some women just dont want the father involved......

I'm genuinely interested in this as my friend is having trouble with her baby's father. They are not actually together anymore. Her baby isnt due till December.

Piglet xx
pigletpoo said:
Quick question - how can income support insist on the csa being involved if you dont tell them the name of baby's father? Some women just dont want the father involved......

I'm genuinely interested in this as my friend is having trouble with her baby's father. They are not actually together anymore. Her baby isnt due till December.

Piglet xx

I;m not sure on this one i would get your friend to ask the CAB...Mayb if he's not on the birth certifcate :?

I think income support get the csa invoulved as i have been told WHEN my ex starts to pay for every £10 csa make him pay income support wil take £10 off me :?
Nic'n'Keeley said:
I;m not sure on this one i would get your friend to ask the CAB...Mayb if he's not on the birth certifcate :?

Putting the father's name on the birth certificate is what entitles them to Parental Responsibility which allows them to give consent to medical procedures etc. So, yes, if she doesn't want him involved she shouldn't name him on the birth certificate (although I believe there are moves afoot to prevent you from being able to do this at some point in the future). Consulting CAB is a good move in any case, though.
AllieW said:
Nic'n'Keeley said:
I;m not sure on this one i would get your friend to ask the CAB...Mayb if he's not on the birth certifcate :?

Putting the father's name on the birth certificate is what entitles them to Parental Responsibility which allows them to give consent to medical procedures etc. So, yes, if she doesn't want him involved she shouldn't name him on the birth certificate (although I believe there are moves afoot to prevent you from being able to do this at some point in the future). Consulting CAB is a good move in any case, though.

Curently though, if they are't married, he would have to be present when registering the birth to have his name on the cert, so if she didn't want it on there, she could just go alone (married can register alone and still have both names if they take the marriage certificate)

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