Finally decided on a boys name! need middle name


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
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So after months we have decided to go with Sebastian (if we have a boy that is), not sure if his parents will be too keen as they screwed their noses up at every name we sugested.

Anyway i need middle name surgestions, so far i have Sebastian Blue (A little too weird?) or Sebastian George but would like to hear some ideas :)

We have a Sebastian Alexander. :)

I prefer Sebastian George over Sebastian Blue.

My in laws didn't like Sebastian but we couldn't care less! Our baby, our name! He gets called Sebastian, Seb and Bas or if I really want his attention he gets his full name! Lol!
Don't like Blue, it's not a name IMO and a bit too celeb after beyonce. Sebastian is lovely though x
Love, love, love the name Sebastian!!! And it goes lovely with George.
Really like Sebastian, very sophisticated! Sebastian George is nice, can't really think of anything that goes as nicely as George!
What a cute name! I love he name George, had I not have called my kitty cat that it would have been top of my boys list! Sebastian is very nice! Agree with Cos, blue sounds too celebby! But each to their own! Xx
Ever since I was young I've always said if I had a boy it would be called Sebastian. Great choice :)
Love Sebastien, I like blue, but I guess it could sound celeby, but that doesn't matter really, you could be a celeb anyway!! IT's all anon on here... ha ha

Short names sounds good with a long cristian name, like Sebastien Drew
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I like Sebastian alot, but I dislike blue. I don't particularly like it as a name, but if you used it people would assume it was after beyonce's child.
Ooooh I really like Sebastian Blue!! I'm not overly into the whole calling your baby non-name names thing, but I think a little touch of something unusual is fantastic!

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