Final Prognosis


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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Well its final, Im definately in menopause....have appointment with another doc on monday and hope to be referred to a specialist BUT its post menopause so its over.

What I found out in my quest for knowledge that might help you ladies is this...

In your head is the pituitary gland. That gland produces something called Prolactin hormone. At times of stress and anxiety prolactin levels increase and stop you ovulating. Annoying people saying just relax dont know this...but it doesnt make them less annoying does it!!! I wont tell you all the further information I found relating to this because it wont help you guys further. Its what we were hoping had happened to me that it had caused ovarian failure.

So now I know. So ladies as promised Ive given an update. I'm going to try not to send messages anymore or post here as it wont be healthy for my emotional state. Even though I stress to all of you that I will be so happy that you when your bfps.

Much love and thanks finally for all your support and kindess

Take care of yourselves
Love Corinne

I'm so sorry Corinne.

Take care of yourself, I'll miss your name popping up on here.

I'm so sorry to read your update but I wish you well & your in my thoughts
Corinne I'm so sorry to hear this. It's just so unfair. I'll miss you on here and wish you all the very best. Love and hugs xxxxx
So sorry for you hun. We never really spoke much but you were a familiar face around here. :hugs:

All the best.
Will be thinking of you Hunni! Just wish things had turned out differently for you!
Thank you for your help when I was TTC.
Love Helen x

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Aw Hun, :hugs:

Thanks for letting us know, I was thinking about you the other day wondering how you were.

Hope you can start a fresh in 2011 and put all this behind you.

You are welcome here anytime you feel like it, we'll all probably still be here TTC!

Take care of yourself.

I am so sorry! :( Take care and hope you are still able to enjoy Christmas! xx
I am so sorry this news must be devastating for you

Jus wanted you to know ur in my thoughts xxxx
one way of putting it, that totally sucks for you! im so sorry to hear it. x
Thank you for having the strength and courage to come back on PF and share this with us :)
I will really miss you on here but will be wishing you a happy future and hoping (in the faith that everything happens for a reason) that 2011 is much better for you x

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